The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Stereotypes Are Accurate (and Feminists at DePaul Are Man-Hating Witches)

Kate Hardiman reports at the College Fix: A Rutgers University social science professor set out to research how stereotypes are inaccurate so he could proclaim and promote that to the world with hard scientific data — but eventually made a startling discovery: most stereotypes are accurate. Scholarly claims of “stereotype inaccuracy” are baseless, Dr. Lee […]

On @DKThomp, Trumpism and the Misunderstood Crisis of White America

  Derek Thompson (@DKThomp on Twitter) is not a stupid knee-jerk liberal, despite “Donald Trump and the Twilight of White America,” an article at The Atlantic that at first glance might seem like yet another knee-jerk liberal smear of the presumptive Republican nominee. “Gleeful-sounding headlines announcing the end of white America may play a role […]

Harvard Law Is Decadent and Depraved

  Have you ever heard of Isaac Royall Jr.? Me, neither, until I started reading about “Reclaim Harvard Law,” an anti-white protest group at Harvard University Law School. Earlier this year, Harvard’s administration surrendered to an unruly mob of student grievance-mongers who had demanded that the official seal of the Law School be changed to […]

The New Thought Crime: ‘Adultism’

Adultism “is running amok in America”: Parents know what’s best for their children? At the risk of tossing tons of other scenarios aside, we LGBTQIA+ kids have heard that last one plenty while trying to grow up while out. Parents say we’re not bi. Or queer. Or a boy. Or non-binary. They give us labels […]

Our Moral Superiors™

Liberal intellectuals are convinced that the rest of us are so stupid we need them to tell us what to think. Their narcissism manifests itself as a contempt for the common sense of ordinary Americans, an attitude Thomas Sowell analyzed in The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy. What inspires […]

The Value of Motherhood

  Charles Murray (@charlesmurray on Twitter) co-authored with the late Richard Herrnstein one of the most controversial books of the 20th century, The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life (1994). When it was first published, the harsh criticism from liberals — who claimed the book was practically neo-Nazi propaganda — led me to […]

The ‘Brilliant’ Fool McGeorge Bundy

  Just yesterday, in describing the decadence of the Ivy League elite, I casually mentioned McGeorge Bundy, a Yale-educated policy “expert” in the JFK/LBJ administrations who played a prominent role in creating the Vietnam War debacle: A descendant of the Boston Lowells on his mother’s side, a product of Groton, Yale and Skull and Bones, […]

Further Thoughts on ‘Diversity’ and the Ritual Suicide of American Culture

The previous post about Sam’s Club CEO Rosalind Brewer’s comments on corporate “diversity” was 900 words, which is but the tip of a vast iceberg of what I could say on this subject. Diversity is one of those “glittering generalities” — like Equality and Progress and Science — that function in public discourse as a […]

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