The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Problem of ‘Racist Facts’

More than a decade ago, the first time some left-wing scumbag tagged me with the “white supremacist” label, I was both insulted and amused. The obvious question — which no liberal ever seems to ask — is this: “What does ‘white supremacist’ mean?” Historically, this term is associated with those who defended Jim Crow segregation […]

Academics Protest Trump With Public Reading of French Homosexual’s Book

This makes perfect sense at a certain level: Many groups of scholars and writers are planning teach-ins or readings for Friday, the day Donald J. Trump will be inaugurated as president of the United States. Others are organizing teach-ins to focus on Trump’s policies. Some anthropologists are taking a different approach. They are planning events […]

How Leftists ‘Think’

Among the dishonest tactics of rhetoric routinely employed by the Left is the False Analogy, “Trump is Hitler” being the latest variation. Scarcely a year ago, the esteemed voices of liberal media were assuring us that Donald Trump was a bumbling idiot who could not possibly win the Republican nomination. Once he did win it, […]

‘These Discourses of Heterosexuality Which Particularly Oppress All of Us’

‘The Straight Mind’ author Monique Wittig. When did feminism become completely insane? Some of us would argue that modern feminism was always crazy from its inception in the late 1960s as the so-called Women’s Liberation movement. However, it took decades for enough of these hate-filled anti-male lunatics to secure faculty tenure and compile their ideas […]

Vox Day Channels Sam Francis’s Ghost

Vox Day argues that “conservatism has not only failed, it was always doomed to eventual failure by virtue of its very nature”: It was an attitude and a defensive posture, not a coherent ideology or an identity, and it lacked positive objectives, so it never had any hope of resisting the relentless ideological onslaught of […]

Liberals and Their Nightmare Fantasies

  Every four years, the Republican Party choose a man to be labeled the next Hitler by liberals. Having been born during the presidency of Eisenhower (who opposed Communism and was therefore Hitler, in the liberal imagination) and having lived through the presidencies of five other Republican presidents, I can tell you that at least […]

Feminism and the Cult of the True Self

“The stigma around STDs normally makes people think of cheaters, liars, teenagers who don’t know any better, and other various ‘dirty’ things when they think of sexually transmitted diseases. But there’s a new name circulating in the news lately who’s trying to battle this stigma: Ella Dawson.” — Torii Johnson, April 30, 2015 Once upon […]

Words Mean Things: @kate_manne and the Elastic Definition of ‘Misogyny’

“I worry that the word ‘reason,’ being as heavily masculine-coded as it is, functions as a kind of buzzword.” — Kate Manne, Ph.D., January 2016 Misogyny is “the system which operates within a patriarchal social order to police and enforce women‘s subordination, and to uphold male dominance,” according to Cornell University Professor Kate Manne. Thus, […]

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