The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Vote Democrat and You Can Get Killed by a Foreigner Who Will Walk Free!

Ivan Zamarripa-Castaneda, poster boy for the Democrat Party. Democrats sure love them some foreigner criminals: An illegal immigrant charged with vehicular homicide in a fiery crash on a Colorado interstate bonded out of jail Saturday, a week after the deadly hit-and-run incident, despite being wanted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Ivan Zamarripa-Castaneda, 26, allegedly […]

Mexican Criminal Pro-Abortion Activist Detained by ICE, May Be Deported

Hey, are you guys getting tired of all this #Winning yet? An abortion activist with a history of breaking the law could be deported after she was detained Wednesday by immigration officials. Alejandra Pablos, 32, is an abortion and immigration activist who works for the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health, Rewire reports. She also […]

Illegal Future Democrats

A few headlines from Democrats Bringing More Than Two Dozen Illegal Aliens to Trump’s SOTU Rep. Paul Gosar: I’ve Asked Capitol Police, Jeff Sessions to Arrest ‘Any Illegal Aliens’ Attending Trump’s SOTU New York Times: Immigrants Are Superior to Americans and Their Kids ‘Dreamers’ Arrested for Human Smuggling — Twice in Two Days 11 […]

Trump Offers Amnesty Deal; Democrats Immediately Reject ‘Hardline’ Proposal

  When the news first leaked out that President Trump was offering Democrats an immigration deal with amnesty for 1.8 million “Dreamers,” conservatives reacted with dismay, because we had once again underestimated Trump’s political genius. As Ed Driscoll has remarked, “Trump’s ability to drive his opponents round the bend is one of his best assets,” […]

Democrats in Disarray and Denial as Schumer Shutdown Exposes Weakness

  Rich Lowry analyzes Sen. Schumer’s miscalculations: The press wasn’t hostile to the Democrats over the shutdown, but it wasn’t uniformly compliant, either. The Left objected to a headline on a New York Times news alert right after the shutdown vote on Friday night: “Senate Democrats blocked passage of a stopgap spending bill to keep […]

Violence Against Women: Video Shows Confession in MS-13 Gang Murder

Venus Romero Iraheta pleaded guilty to murdering a 15-year-old girl. MS-13, Mara Salvatrucha, is a notoriously violent criminal gang formed in Los Angeles in the 1980s by “millions of immigrants from El Salvador [who] came to the United States after a violent civil war” in that country (which President Trump recently called a “sh–hole”). Last […]

Illegal Alien Causes Mayhem by Threatening to Shoot Bus Passengers

Margarito Vargas-Rosas was arrested Friday. Bizarre news from Wisconsin: The man arrested for allegedly threatening to shoot and kill people on a Greyhound bus Friday night was a previously deported illegal immigrant living in Chicago, Racine County Sheriff Christopher Schmaling said Saturday. During a news conference Saturday afternoon at the Racine County Sheriff’s Office substation, […]

Democrats Love ‘S***hole’ Countries, and They Want America to Become One

“This remark by the president of the United States smacks of blatant racism, the most odious and insidious racism masquerading poorly as immigration policy. And I’ll be very blunt, the president doesn’t speak for me as an American. He demeans America. He demeans and betrays American values by these kinds of remarks.” — Sen. Richard […]

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