The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Hate Speech,’ CNN and George Soros

Republican campaign ad in Minnesota. Yesterday, I switched my office TV to CNN, a psychological hazard I try to undertake at least once a week. Yes, it’s a mental-health risk to immerse myself into that bizarre alternative universe — a land where Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon are considered objective journalists — but if I […]

Why Do We Know Almost Nothing About Pittsburgh Gunman Robert Bowers?

  There has been a remarkable failure of journalism in the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting. The gunman, 46-year-old Robert Bowers, remains a cipher. Except for the fact that he posted anti-Semitic rants on the Internet, worked as a truck driver and lived alone in an apartment, we know nothing about Bowers. Who are his parents? Does […]

Deported Immigrant Sex Offender Caught by Border Patrol in Texas

  Guarantee you won’t see this story reported on CNN: U.S. Border Patrol agents assigned to the Eagle Pass Station arrested a convicted sex offender in Eagle Pass, Monday. “Our agents are tasked with preserving our way of life and ensuring the integrity of our borders and the security of our communities,” said Del Rio […]

A Dangerous Right-Wing Extremist

The president I voted for said this: “All Americans, not only in the States most heavily affected but in every place in this country, are rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country. The jobs they hold might otherwise be held by citizens or legal immigrants. The public service they use […]

Cause and Effect: Cultural Decadence

  One of the Bad Ideas of recent years that bothers me most — because it is both widely believed among the elite and easily demonstrable as wrong — is Richard Florida’s theory of the “Creative Class”: While I was in Massachusetts last fall for a book event hosted by Pete Da Tech Guy, we […]

Who Is Funding the Foreign Invasion?

  The election-year propaganda campaign continues: A growing throng of Central American migrants resumed their advance toward the U.S. border in southern Mexico on Sunday, overwhelming Mexican government attempts to stop them at the border. Their numbers swelled to about 5,000 overnight and at first light they set out walking toward the Mexican town of […]

‘Lotus Fields of Multicultural Delusion’

  What would we know if we knew everything about this army of Honduran “migrants” marching toward our southern border? Whose idea was this? Who spent money to organize this pre-election publicity stunt? The caravan has been growing steadily since it left the violent Honduran city of San Pedro Sula on Saturday. The migrants hope […]

American History 101: No, Emma Lazarus Did Not Write the U.S. Constitution

  How many times have you heard the “nation of immigrants” line deployed by the advocates of amnesty and open borders? How often have you seen liberals (including some Republicans) invoke the Statue of Liberty, and the famous words about the “wretched refuse,” as somehow mandating a policy of unrestricted immigration? This involves a synthetic […]

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