The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

VIDEO: Adam Andrzejewski on Judge Andrew Napolitano’s Show

Instapundit hit Andrzejewski’s money-bomb last night and Lech Walesa will campaign for Andrzejewski tomorrow in Chicago. Hey, who told you about this guy first, huh? UPDATE: Dude! One of Andrzejewski’s Republican opponents for governor appeared in a campaign ad for Barack Obama: UPDATE II: Lech Walesa will appear Friday at a 2:30 p.m. Tea Party at Chicago’s […]

1/27/10: MONEY-BOMB!

Adam Andrzejewski, Republican for Illinois governor, is having an online money-bomb fundraiser now through midnight, aiming to raise $24,000 in 24 hours. Andrzejewski is endorsed by Cold War hero Lech Walesa. CLICK HERE TO CONTRIBUTE UPDATE: The campaign just announced that actor and pro-life activist Eduardo Verástegui — producer of the award-winning film Bella — […]

Attention, Conservative Bloggers

Adam Andrzejewski is having a moneybomb fundraiser tomorrow — beginning at midnight tonight. Pass it on.

How Do You Pronounce ‘Andrzejewski’?

That’s the question that popped up on Twitter after I posted this news at The American Spectator: It’s not every day that a Nobel Prize winner becomes involved in a U.S. election, but Lech Walesa — famed for his Cold War leadership of the Solidarity movement in Poland — will be campaigning this week for […]

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