The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Shock and Awe Day for the GOP

The title is lifted from a Ron Paul Forum post about today’s stunning Sarah Palin endorsement of Rand Paul in the Kentucky GOP Senate primary. Given that many of Palin’s supporters were supporting either Bill Johnson or Trey Grayson, I’m sure they’re scratching their heads. Personally, I was surprised she’d get involved in such a […]

AUDIO: Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck on Lech Walesa and Adam Andrzejewski

UPDATE 5:45 p.m. ET: Beck just played the Walesa clip on his TV show.

Politico Names an NRCC Dud; UPDATE: Roby Says FEC Numbers Show Otherwise; Time for Some Shoe Leather Reporting?

This one’s going to leave a mark: “Montgomery city councilwoman Martha Roby, the leading Republican to face Rep. Bobby Bright (D-Ala.), only brought in $76,000, and spent more than she raised.” One of the reason’s for Roby’s lackluster performance is the entry of Tea Party-backed Republican candidate Rick Barber into the AL-2 primary, which I mentioned here […]

Katie O’Malley: Can the Scott Brown Factor Elect Adam Andrzejewski?

A very insightful column at Human Events: After Scott Brown’s upset senate victory in Massachusetts, everyone — left and right — is left wondering how big an omen it is for November. In the Tuesday Republican primary for the Illinois governor’s race, Adam Andrzejewski may provide the answer. . . . He is backed by […]

Andrzejewski’s Army

My latest column at The American Spectator: Adam Andrzejewski refers to his opponents in the Illinois Republican primary as “the Redcoats,” while calling his own grassroots campaign for governor “the ragtag army.” Revolutionary War metaphors come easily for Andrzejewski, whose showing Tuesday in Illinois will provide an early test of the ability of Tea Party […]

Andrzejewski Campaign Mailer Features Walesa Endorsement; ALSO: TV Ad Video

Earlier today I did a phone interview with Illinois gubernatorial candidate Adam Andrzejewski — he was at a rally near St. Louis where Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit was on the scene — and I’ll have that story in a few hours. Meanwhile, here are images of the Andrzejewski mailer featuring Lech Walesa, which campaign sources tell me was […]

VIDEO: ‘Brown Revolution’ Nationwide

Watch this video from ABC’s “Good Morning America”: “The Scott Heard ‘Round the World” has inspired grassroots activists nationwide — John Fund has a feature article about Brown today — and as I explain at The American Spectator: One of the volunteers on Brown’s campaign is now running for Congress in Alabama, and emulating the “straight talk, no BS” theme. […]

Lech Walesa Rallies Tea Party Crowd
for Adam Andrzejewski in Chicago

With the Republican primary Tuesday, the final push is on in Illinois: In the final days before the Illinois primary, Former President of Poland Lech Walesa came to Chicago to support Adam Andrzejewski as the GOP candidate for Governor. “As you see I support Adam . . . I am convinced that he is right. […]

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