The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Democrat Congresswoman’s Staff Uses Nazi Campaign Smear in Illinois

Democratic campaign operatives working for Rep. Debbie Halvorson (D-Illinois, 11th District) staged a protest against the free-market group Americans for Prosperity, carrying signs that depicted Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck and Halvorson’s Republican opponent with Hitler mustaches. Larry O’Connor at Big Government has video and photos: More from Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit and Dan Riehl. […]

Bankrupt States and Dot-Bomb Startups

The news that the state of Illinois is essential broke and yet owes an estimated $3.2 billion to various contractors, pensioners, etc., prompts an Instapundit reader to compare it to a bad dot-com operation. Worth reading.

Talk Radio Host Punks Abortion Clinic

In order to drown out pro-life “sidewalk counselors” outside, the owner of  Northern Illinois Women’s Center in Rockford was blaring WNTA-AM 1330 through loudspeakers. Kathleen Gilbert tells the rest of the story: D.J. Doug McDuff’s scheduled talk show guest cancelled, and he opened the phone lines for comment. Seeing his chance, Rockford pro-life veteran Kevin Rilott whipped out his […]

The Surprise Return of Blago-Gate!

Incomplete redaction of a Chicago subpoena for the Rod Blagojevich corruption trial reveals some unseemly — and perhaps criminal — actions by Team Obama: Obama may have lied about conversations with convicted fraudster Tony Rezko . . . Obama may have overtly recommended Valerie Jarret for his Senate seat . . . A supporter of […]

Alex Giannoulias and the Chicago Way

Guy Benson at National Review: Alexi Giannoulias is a young, exceedingly ambitious politician with extensive ties to the very worst elements of the sordid Illinois Democratic machine. (With impeached/indicted former Governor Rod Blagojevich and convicted felon Tony Rezko in the mix, the TV commercials practically write themselves) . . . The Chicago Tribune: The family […]

Post-Mortem: CSI Illinois

Dan Riehl says he doesn’t want to engage in hindsight recriminations over the Illinois gubernatorial campaign. As I explained at The American Spectator in the wee hours this morning, the evident narrow victory for state Sen. Bill Brady appears to be a less-bad outcome for conservatives, however disappointing it may be for Adam Andrzejewski’s Tea Party supporters. […]

Illinois Update: Brady Leads in GOP Gov. Race; Kirk Wins Senate Primary

LIVE RESULTS Wednesday, Feb. 3, 12:15 a.m. ET: As disappointing as the Illinois GOP gubernatorial primary is for Andrzejewski’s Tea Party supporters, Mark Kirk’s win in the Senate GOP primary is much worse from a conservative perspective. Michelle Malkin notes the “hold-your-nose” factor as reflected in the ultra-low primary turnout. 11:55 p.m. ET: Bill Brady leads […]

Hey, Who’s This Andrzejewski Guy Everybody Is Talking About Today?

Having first blogged about Adam Andrzejewski’s campaign on Jan. 25,  now I know how Al Gore feels when everybody else claims credit for the Internet. Just look at all these Johnny-come-latelies reporting on Andrzejewski — 649 items as of 5:45 a.m. Election Day, including one from the Daily Caller. Let’s face it: I’m the Rodney Dangerfield […]

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