The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Incompetent, Yes, But Also Stupid: How Carol Moseley Braun Lost the Black Vote

Black voters in Chicago chose Rahm Emanuel over Carol Moseley Braun, which Instapundit suggests indicates their preferrence for “a white guy who seemed, you know, kinda competent, and who was willing to ask for their votes.” When Moseley Braun announced her candidacy, I said that this was the only possible justification for electing Emanuel. This judgment […]

Chicago’s New F***ing Mayor

Rahm Emanuel has cussed his way to victory in the Chicago mayoral election. He got 55 percent in a six-candidate field, with former Daley staffer Gery Chico getting 24 percent and the Worst Senator Ever getting 9 percent.

Court to Rahm Emanuel: ‘F*** You!’

It’s the Chicago Way! Rahm Emanuel was thrown off the ballot for mayor of Chicago today by an appellate court panel, a stunning blow to the fund-raising leader in the race. An appellate panel ruled 2-1 that Emanuel did not meet the residency standard to run for mayor. Appellate justices Thomas Hoffman and Shelvin Louise […]

‘Ran Into Rahm Emmanuel In The Train Station This Morning’

by Smitty Narrative due to Williscroft: “Rahm!” I shouted, walking up & sticking out my hand. He took it and gave it a limp-wristed shake, smiling something trite. I gripped hard and didn’t let go. “You’re in for a pretty hard time come Election Day, aren’t you?” I said, breathing down into his little chimp […]

Yid With Lid, Unexpectedly, Discovers Debate Bias

by Smitty Wednesday night at the beginning of a debate between Democratic incumbent Melissa Bean, GOP challenger Joe Walsh and Green Party candidate Bill Scheurer. The debate for Illinois 8th congressional district took place at Grayslake Central High School. While League of Women Voters moderator Kathy Tate-Bradish began explaining the rules of the debate an […]

‘Same Old Place, Sweet Home Chicago’

Remember the bikini bombshell? Lots of laughs. Good times. But is it possible that a Democrat like Jesse Jackson Jr. could actually lose in Chicago? Never say never, as I point out in my latest American Spectator column: Isaac Hayes wasn’t always happy to share the same name as a singer famed for “Shaft” and other 1970s […]

Waiting to Exhale in Chicago

Our recent encounter with a certain bikini-clad blonde was good for blog traffic — thank you, Professor Reynolds — and elicited some mirthful commentary about D.C. cocktail hostess Giovana Huidobro‘s services to Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D-Corruption). But Chicago Sun-Times columnist Mary Mitchell isn’t laughing: What’s going on with U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. is the […]

As If I Actually Needed an Excuse to Post This Picture of a Blonde in a Bikini

Conveniently enough, she managed to get herself involved in a serious political news story: Now, far be it from me to throw the first stone here. After all, who are we to judge? Or more to the point, who are we to make tasteless jokes about Giovana Huidobro and her married (alleged) boyfriend, Rep. Jesse […]

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