The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Got Issues? Lube! Lube! Lube!’

Chicago schools are having what is called a “controversy,” a word that means parents found out what their children are learning: Parents at a Near West Side school say they are “shocked” and “horrified” after viewing a new sex education curriculum intended for fifth-graders, saying the way the information is presented is over the top […]

SHOCKING: Feds Raid Illinois Democrat in Child Pornography Investigation

Political observers were puzzled last week when, the day after he was re-nominated to office in the Illinois primary, Democrat state Rep. Keith Farnham announced his resignation, citing health issues. Now that mystery has been solved in a surprising way: Federal agents sought evidence of child pornography last week when they seized computers from the […]

Erika Harold For Congress: A CPAC, Rule 5 & Godliness Trifecta

by Smitty While staking out a line of sight for Sarah Palin, along came Erika Harold, and I was suddenly glad to be an old married fart, and spared the need to be any more than Platonically respectful of a truly gracious lady. But don’t stop at the pretty face. She’s got the mind and […]

The Pervert Rights Movement

In the 21st century, the rights of decent law-abiding citizens must always yield to the rights of freaks and weirdos. That’s the lesson in the Chicago suburb of Orland Park, Illinois, where the local public library considers it their duty to provide perverts access to Internet pornography at taxpayer expense. There have been reports of […]


That’s right, folks. Another corrupt Chicago Democrat — but I repeat myself — is on his way to federal prison: With moist eyes and soft voices, former U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. and his wife pleaded guilty to federal charges on Wednesday related to years of using campaign funds for personal expenses that included purchases […]

Jesse Jackson Jr. and Wife in Court Today

William Jacobson at Legal Insurrection has the bulletin: Jesse L. Jackson, Jr. is scheduled to appear in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia at 10:30 a.m. . . . Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2013. Sandra Stevens Jackson is scheduled to appear at the same courthouse at 2:30 p.m. . . . Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2013. […]

Eighteen Severed Human Heads Stopped En Route to Chicago ‘Research Facility’

Somewhere in Illinois, a “research facility” is being operated by zombies, cannibals or, perhaps, a mad scientist from Transylvania: The 18 human head specimens that arrived at O’Hare International Airport from Rome just before Christmas were on their way to a research facility in the Chicago suburbs — a facility that is “under investigation,” a source told the […]

Illinois: Fire Department Official Accused of Attacking Woman With Knife, Duct Tape and ‘an 8-Inch Sexual Device’

Probably a union member who voted for Obama: A deputy fire chief in Chicago Ridge was put on administrative leave after being charged with breaking into the Tinley Park home of a neighbor in the middle of the night and attacking her, officials said. Gary M. Swiercz, 49, of the 8100 block of West 168th Place […]

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