The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

@NYPolJunkie Knows Her Some Snark

by Smitty @HowardRoark19 @smitty_one_each I had an idea for an awesome one but was too busy. — Taylor_NY (@NYPolJunkie) December 24, 2013 More brutal than this?

Normally, I Don’t Support the Animal Rights Movement, However …

. . . in this case, I’ll make an exception: This. Is. So. Wrong. — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) December 20, 2013 People who do that to their pets should be in prison.  

World’s Youngest Blogger: Of Course #IStandWithPhil. Because #Obvious

World's Youngest Blogger: #IStandWithPhil — Smitty, 1 each (@smitty_one_each) December 20, 2013

World’s Youngest Blogger: #ObamaCare Metaphor? Dad, This Is A Fashion Atrocity

Flipping The Benghazi Bird

BREAKING: To make liquidation of eagles at wind farms more palatable, BHO is expected to ask Congress to rename them "Chris Stevens Birds". — Smitty TPartyPurist (@smitty_one_each) December 8, 2013 The wind farm news is probably more symbolic than anything.

BREAKING: Identity Theft Industry Considering Bailout

by Sissypuss the Blog Kitty Recently I sat down with Howard T. Mendacio-Ledgerdemain (HTML), an old acquaintance and expert on The Identity Theft Industry. TITI has been flattened by the bad economy, much as anyone else. However, as this interview shows, TITI is actually well-positioned to stage an intervention, offering a lift for the sagging […]

“Not The Cruz Mask,” He Wimpered. “Yes. Bad Day At The Office,” She Said, As The Whip CRACKED. #50ShadesOfLiberal

by Smitty "But I'm in the Union," she gasped "I supported your campaign!" "They say the betrayal adds to the sensation." "Arrrrgh!" #50ShadesOfLiberal — Smitty #Seditive (@smitty_one_each) October 23, 2013 "#Benghazi?" she asked. "I'm going to tie you up, leave you screaming for assistance & go blame a random YouTube clip." #50ShadesOfLiberal — Smitty #Seditive (@smitty_one_each) October 23, 2013 "Sexist! […]

Col. Nathan Jessup, Tea Partier

by Smitty “Son, we live in a world that has elections, and that elections have to be guarded by men with principles. Who’s gonna do it? You? You, Lefty? The Tea Party has a greater responsibility than you could possibly fathom. You weep for Progress, and you curse the Tea Party. You have that luxury. […]

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