The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Take A Bow, Frank, To A String Near You

by Smitty @NoahCRothman @smitty_one_each Hollywood burns while the emperor Fidels. — frank atda lake (@Ease_Private) December 18, 2014 @Ease_Private Always with the violins against the English language, Frank. . . @NoahCRothman — (=Won't Vote 4Jeb (@smitty_one_each) December 18, 2014

When Parody Unites With The Subject

Leftist propaganda webesite was humiliated today when a bug in their anti-Second Amendment screed generator script triggered an accidental posting following the Antares rocket explosion at Wallops Island, Virginia. Sissypuss the Blog Kitty, quick to spot a red herring, managed a screencap before the mistake was taken offline: Working his extensive source list, he […]

#WendyDavisWontSay If She Reads TheOtherMcCain, But The Pelosi-Esque Visage Is A Probable ‘No’

by Smitty #WendyDavisWontSay how she got over Macho Grande, when all others are stymied. — 'Teahadist' h/t@DMat (@smitty_one_each) October 20, 2014 #WendyDavisWontSay whether or not it's true that she went noodling, and a catfish bit her and died. — 'Teahadist' h/t@DMat (@smitty_one_each) October 20, 2014 #WendyDavisWontSay whether or not she'd give Al Gore a massage, […]

Brother Of The World’s Youngest Blogger: It’s All Ducked Up

Brother of the World's Youngest Blogger: Another One Bites the Duck (1of3) — 'Teahadist' h/t@DMat (@smitty_one_each) October 17, 2014 Brother of the World's Youngest Blogger: And Another One Gone, Anothoner One Gone, Another One Bites The Duck (2of3) — 'Teahadist' h/t@DMat (@smitty_one_each) October 17, 2014 Brother of the World's Youngest Blogger: Hey, He's […]

Jerry Seinfeld Accidentally Explains The Obama Administration

by Smitty Alternate title: “If only Barack Obama had delivered this for his Nobel Prize acceptance. . .” I shared the clip a second time with Mrs. Other Smitty this morning, and I realized that Seinfeld was really explaining how this country could possibly be duped by a no-talent rodeo clown. See if you agree: […]

Head ‘Sploding Tweet Of The Day

by Smitty For reasons of safety, I must put this Yglesias tweet below the fold:

The Lighter Side Of The Border Crisis

by Smitty On the other hand, maybe these illegal immigrant children could be trained to manage email, which is more than can be said of the IRS. — 'Teahadist' h/t@DMat (@smitty_one_each) July 14, 2014 Come to think of it, if we replaced Congress with 535 random illegal immigrant children, would there be a difference? Cost […]

PSA: Words Can Hurt You

by Smitty I’m not even a customer, but this is great: “Jesse?”

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