The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Where To Go With A @BWilliams Fairy Tale? The Crack Animators Of Taiwan!

by Smitty Made of pure righteousness. Come for the RPG kicks; stay for Tom Brokaw on oxygen: via Zero Hedge

I Played The Blues So Hard, Both Stevie Ray Vaughan And The Sky Cried #BrianWilliamsMemories

by Smitty I probably shouldn’t be such a mocker, but to have such a public figure as Brian Williams completely debase their integrity merits having abuse heaped about the head and shoulders. I put on the spandex & platform heels and subbed for Gene Simmons for a few shows on the Love Gun tour. #brianwilliamsmemories […]

EXCLUSIVE: Situation Room Map Boosts Obama’s “Victory in Europe” Claim

by Smitty HotAir has the scoop about the blowback over this SOTU passage: We’re upholding the principle that bigger nations can’t bully the small–by opposing Russian aggression, supporting Ukraine’s democracy, and reassuring our NATO allies. Sissypuss the Blog Kitty was able to sneak into the Situation Room, where #OccupyResoluteDesk does all that there “strategery” stuff […]

Let Me Be Perfectly Clear. . .

by Smitty BREAKING: Rioters in Bulungi say ‘American Sniper’ “Profits insulting”, demand Clint Eastwood be thrown in jail. — HireThisGuyIn2016 (@smitty_one_each) January 19, 2015 Bulungi is not an actual country. “Profits insulting” is a play on “Insulting the Prophet” The whole gag is a Benghazi reference, specifically to throwing Nakoula Nakoula in the joint. Note […]

REVEALED: Colonel Jessup’s Bean Jones

by Smitty #ReplaceMovieLinesWithCoffee Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with coffee. (1/13) — Who-cubby? POTUS? (@smitty_one_each) January 5, 2015 #ReplaceMovieLinesWithCoffee Who’s gonna do it? You? You, Lt. Weinburg? I have deeper coffee than you could possibly fathom. (2/13) — Who-cubby? POTUS? (@smitty_one_each) January […]

The World Is Safe From Me Cramming Wool Up My Backside & Using It To Knit

by Smitty In stark raving sane contrast to some woman in Australia, I just want everyone to know that the general relaxation I find in doing knitting and crochet (at least I used to, before fatherhood) will not be enhanced through caching the material in a (presumably cleaned and suitably prepared) body cavity. . . […]

Dave Barry Rocks

by Smitty Another righteous outing from the great humorist: DECEMBER … President Obama, moving to fill the Cabinet vacancy created by the resignation of Chuck Hagel, announces — in what is seen as a major shift in military policy — that his new Secretary of Defense will be Chuck Norris. The nomination is swiftly approved […]

Christmas…Christmas Never Changes.

— by Wombat-socho Between Obama sucking the Castro brothers’ toes and the pathetic behavior of Sony and Paramount, this has been a pretty miserable day. Yet, all is not lost – there are still a few brave (and funny) souls out there mocking the idiocies of the left for your entertainment. One of them, of […]

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