The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Meet ‘Tony’; Senator Reid’s Occasional 6’2″, 225lb, Taciturn ‘Retirement Advisor’

by Sissypuss the Blog Kitty I got word via Her Majesty’s spy network (what’s a little ‘stealth outsourcing’ between frenemies, eh?) that Tony Scambilloni had a flight booked for Dulles. This within hours of the surprise announcement that Harry “the Cadaver” Reid was not intending to transition from un- to fully-dead right there on the […]

Her Royal Majesty Shall Increase Your Chocolate Ration To 20oz From 30oz Per Week #HillaryCampaignSlogans

by Smitty [View the story “Hillary Camp Pain Slogans” on Storify]

Why I’m Not A Campaign Manager

by Smitty I’m a huge Ted Cruz fan. I like the fact that he is willing to admit that the ethanol mandate is bogus and needs to go. I’d love to see him do this, but it would probably be a Bad Move: He won't do it, but if Cruz walked on dressed as Jake […]

Band Idea: The Alpha Epsilon Stigma

by Smitty Let’s just add our voices to the ‘duh’ chorus for Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Hopefully the rank stupidity of a song invoking the Bigger Digger Trigger will lead to a general purging of all such moronic material from two centuries ago. We want to flatter ourselves that these United States got past this trash; […]

The Origin Of Her Majesty’s Horse Pucky

by Smitty Trojan Horse made with keyboard keys by Babis Pangiotidis #ModernArt #AncientGreece #Odysseus #Iliad #Homer #Troy — Zito E (@Zito__77) March 13, 2015 @Zito__77 Babis's Trojan Horse, Filled Hillary's server, of course. Road apples rolling therefrom. Explain her presser so dumb. @0ryuge — IGotOverMachoGrande (@smitty_one_each) March 13, 2015 Jokes aside: The Four Best Reasons To Defeat Hillary And Send […]

The #Pluggernaut Must Run

by Smitty (Picture source) [View the story “Biden” on Storify] Then we got into a discussion of appropriate music for the campaign. @smitty_one_each Joe Biden's campaign theme song right here — Troy Ellison (@blayne_troy) March 6, 2015 @blayne_troy @smitty_one_each More like this: — Joan of Argghh! (@JoanOfArgghh) March 6, 2015 @JoanOfArgghh @smitty_one_each I […]


by Smitty Nobody does it like James Taranto: Won't someone think of the hookers? cc: @jamestaranto (thanks), @instapundit — IGotOverMachoGrande (@smitty_one_each) February 28, 2015

#ScottWalkerIsSoConservativeThat Like Washington & Lincoln, He Doesn’t Consider Degreelessness Disqualifying

by Smitty #ScottWalkerisSoConservativeThat in Fake Quote Labs, Neil deGrasse Tyson & new sidekick Brian Williams are crafting fibs to take him down. — IGotOverMachoGrande (@smitty_one_each) February 13, 2015 #ScottWalkerisSoConservativeThat left unwatched, he could be so mad as to balance the budget. — IGotOverMachoGrande (@smitty_one_each) February 13, 2015 #ScottWalkerisSoConservativeThat he just can't figure out why his […]

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