The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

A Princess, A Dragon, And A Qwerkywriter

— by Wombat-socho Finally scraped enough Amazon gift certificates together to order S.M. Stirling’s The Golden Princess, which is the latest in the series of “Change” novels that began with Dies the Fire. It’s the sequel to The Given Sacrifice, in which Mike Havel’s bastard son Rudi Mackenzie (a/k/a the High King of Montival) dies […]

Dear Vloggers: Please Learn to Type

Jaclyn Glenn (@JaclynGlenn) is an atheist video performer — vlogger, as they say — whose online presence seems to consist entirely of a YouTube channel and a Twitter account. This presents difficulties for those of us whose preferred medium is the written word. To explain: I’m a super-fast reader. If you were to provide me […]

Tara Carreon Doesn’t Know Why People Hate Her Censorious Douchebag Husband

Allegedly the wife of Charles Carreon When last we left the ongoing saga of censorious douchebag Charles Carreon, the “Popehat Reign of Terror” led to Charles being challenged to debate Ken White over Charles’ proposition that “Distributed Internet Reputational Attack” be recognized as grounds for a lawsuit, which inspired me to remark: Thin-skinned narcissists who […]

‘And It Just Blew Up’

Heteropatriarchal slut-shaming? Hell, I thought I was just making fun of a celebrity, until @Andria_XX enlightened me, and she had no idea what hit her when her Twitter timeline blew up with reactions to her Master’s degree in Gender Studies mini-lecture. So now it’s “cyberbullying” and “rage tourism” of which I’m accused. .@rsmccain @AmPowerBlog According […]

‘Distributed Internet Reputational Attack’? Charles Carreon’s Self-Evident Absurdity

Charles Carreon on Bloomberg News, March 2012. Ken White at Popehat continues his reign of terror by offering to debate censorious douchebag Charles Carreon over the latter’s proposal that “Distributed Internet Reputational Attack” be recognized as a tort (i.e., grounds for a civil lawsuit). Mr. Carreon’s problem is simple: He doesn’t understand how the Internet […]

The @Popehat Reign of Terror and the Censorious Douchebag Charles Carreon

Charles Carreon on Bloomberg News, March 2012. “See, a legal threat like the one Charles Carreon sent — ‘shut up, delete your criticism of my client, give me $20,000, or I’ll file a federal lawsuit against you’ — is unquestionably a form of bullying. . . . “Our system privileges Charles Carreon to issue that […]

Also, You’re Not Cynical Enough

My advice: Never volunteer advice. If people wanted your advice, they would (a) ask you for it, and (b) pay you for it. @LeadershipInst — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) July 19, 2013 The two most important questions in any contract are: What’s in it for me? and What’s in it for them? Caveat emptor. Honesty […]

Bill Schmalfeldt, Violentacrez, Barrett Brown and the Scourge of ‘Troll Rights’

“Arrogant sociopathic punks think they can go around threatening people and if you dare say a word back to them, you’re the bad guy.” — Robert Stacy McCain, Sept. 4, 2012 Donald Douglas at American Power reminds me of the deranged cyberstalker’s irrational grievance: “Troll rights.” Ah, yes, the “troll rights” movement — scourge of […]

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