The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Right-Winger Provoking ‘Insane’ ‘Racist’ Tea Party Violence … by Chris Rock?

“When Celebrities Attack,” starring Jason Mattera: Ed Morrissey has a point: Even if you think “ambush” interviews are unfair, shouldn’t it be obvious that attacking the camera is a bad idea? Welcome to the Bob Etheridge School of Media Relations!  

Naked Scarlett Johansson: ‘It Would Be Irresponsible’ Not to Support Obama

A story I missed: Somebody hacked her cell phone and got hold of naked photos Johansson had taken of herself and sent to her (now ex-)husband Ryan Reynolds. I only learned about this yesterday because I glanced at a headline linked on the sidebar of an article and (the mind plays funny tricks) got the idea […]

OMG! Hollywood Liberal to Bristol Palin: ‘Your Mother’s a Whore. She’s the Devil.’ UPDATE: Gay Trig-Truther Loves Levi UPDATE: Heckler Says He’s ‘Ashamed’; Also: Is Bristol Really a ‘Homophobe’?

Oh, the wonderful Civility™ of liberals! Bristol Palin went to a cowboy-themed restaurant/bar in West Hollywood, where she rode a mechanical bull while a reality-show camera crew shot video. Some guy at the bar shouted: “Did you ride Levi like that? Your mother’s a whore!” And when someone asked him, “What was that about?” the […]

‘Outing’ Ellen Page: The Politicization of Sex and the Sexualization of Politics

One of the unfortunate consequences of living in a sex-obsessed culture is that sex pervades and dominates everything, so that no subject can be discussed outside a sexual context. And this explains why I’m writing about Ellen Page, a 24-year-old actress whose name I’d never heard before I received an e-mail this morning. Miss Page […]

The Politics of Fear

“In the hands of a skillful indoctrinator, the average student not only thinks what the indoctrinator wants him to think . . . but is altogether positive that he has arrived at his position by independent intellectual exertion. This man is outraged by the suggestion that he is the flesh-and-blood tribute to the success of […]

Fake Boob News Update

No — not talking about Harry Reid, but about an item that Wombat linked this morning in his “Live at Five” headline roundup: Denise Richards hasn’t always been happy with her body. In the new issue of Us Weekly (out now), the 40-year-old actress opens up about her series of botched boob jobs — and why […]

‘What God Hath Joined Together …’

“He’s 51. She’s 16. The same people in Hollywood who knock the marriage cannot wait to be invited to the next Hugh Hefner wedding.” — Don Surber We were driving to the pool Thursday afternoon to pick up my 18-year-old son Bob from work (he’s a Red Cross certified lifeguard) while I chatted briefly on […]

EXCLUSIVE: Hollywood Teen Bride’s Mom Blames Jealousy, ‘Insecurities’ for Criticism of Courtney and Doug Hutchison

Courtney Stodden and her husband Doug Hutchison are being criticized because of jealousy, the mother of the teenage singer/actress said Wednesday in an exclusive interview. “I mean, a girl that every man would love to have, and she’s a woman that every woman would like to be, and women know this, and they try to discredit her,” Krista […]

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