The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Minnesotans For Global Warming: “I’m A Denier”

by Smitty (h/t Dodge) The splendid M4GW take aim at the poor, innocent Monkees, shoot, and ventilate Al Gore and the boys: Will the fact that a majority of Americans find AGW, or whatever the term du jour may be, a study in pure bunk form a deterrent for Pelosi’s Zombie Duck 111th Congress?

Global Climate Disruption

by Smitty (h/t Nice Deb) Goofballs Can’t Decide: Gratuitous Consumer Destruction, or Gaea’s Chicken Dinner.

Curb Your Vice President

Global warming is a crisis, but evidently not such a huge crisis that a guy can’t take a few minutes to screw around: Al Gore’s split from wife Tipper after 40 years of marriage was a shock to everyone who thought theirs was the ideal marriage. . . . (Who is this “everyone” who thought […]

Anthropogenic Global Warming
Climate Change Myth Threatens
Noble Savage Myth

by Smitty (h/t InstaPundit) Faced with more and more people asking really hard questions about the second most expensive hoax in human history (what can top Marxism?) the Anthropogenic Global WarmingClimate Change community has been forced to explore new means of re-inflating the guilt-bubble: IT’S not just for the last century that humans have been […]

Democrats Learn a Useful Lesson

Never trust Lindsey Graham: Sen. Lindsey Graham’s (R-S.C.) decision to walk away from Senate talks on climate change and energy legislation  – at least for now – has prompted the measure’s remaining architects to scuttle Monday’s planned unveiling of the bill. [Sen. John] Kerry praised Graham’s work on the climate effort and expressed hope that […]

Go and Do Thou Likewise

“Robert Stacy McCain is on my RSS reader so I never miss any of the craziness . . .” That’s liberal “Dougj” at Balloon Juice, reacting to my American Spectator blog post about Mark Levin’s evisceration of Jim Manzi. Getting linked by liberals, of course, brings the troll commenters, including “D Aristophanes” of the Sadly No blog, who […]

James Manzi Will Regret This But Once, and That Will Be Continuously

He has written a very dismissive attack on Mark Levin’s Liberty and Tyranny. Levin will surely respond, as always, with overwhelming rhetorical force. Manzi focuses his attack on Levin’s chapter about anthropogenic global warming (AGW), a topic on which Manzi considers himself something of a lay expert. While I have no personal quarrel with Manzi and […]

Democracy As An Obstruction To Swift Action Is A Valid Point

by Smitty Bluegrass Pundit posts: Noted Environmentalist James Lovelock and developer of the Gaia theory thinks democracy is getting in the way of fighting climate change. Also, he thinks Humans are too stupid to prevent climate change It is certainly the case that providing for regular elections and separation of powers cuts down on the […]

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