The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Global Warming Update

Got about three inches of snow last night at my house on the west slope of South Mountain in Washington County, Maryland. But the climate-change scaremongers say that’s weather, not climate, like we’re too dumb to know the difference. Brendan O’Neill: Anyone with a shred of self-respect who had predicted The End Of Snow would surely now admit that […]

Skepticism Is for ‘Rubes’

Really intelligent people, you see, believe whatever they’re told by the experts: In Charles Johnson’s mind, skepticism toward environmental catastrophism is “anti-science rubbish” and the fact that such an article appears on Fox News just proves that only “rubes” are skeptics: [Fox News reporter Maxim] Lott is trying to denigrate the reliability of climate science, […]

Have They Blamed Global Warming Yet?

Late last night this headline moved via the Drudge Tweet: Rare hurricane-strength winds batter L.A. area; more snow and ice on way Rather than post it last night, I forward-scheduled it for this morning. If the passage of 10 hours isn’t enough time for liberals to blame this on “climate change,” I’ll be shocked. Global […]

‘Unexpectedly’! Global Warming Continues to Bury East Coast in Blizzard

“Atlanta and the Southeast were hit with a rare Christmas snowstorm Saturday.” In fact, it was my hometown’s first Christmas snowstorm since 1882 and The Blog Prof provides this video report: Speaking of professors who blog: Professor Glenn Reynolds has photos of cute dogs and horses in the snow, because chicks dig that stuff. William Teach is […]

Global Warming Update: Blizzard Edition

Chattanooga gets its first White Christmas in more than 40 years: We don’t get a lot of snow where I live, but today we’re getting blanketed. The last time we had a white Christmas (with any accumulation) was in 1969. That was several years before I was born. So naturally, that got me thinking about […]

White Christmas: Three Inches of Snow Global Warming Forecast for Atlanta

Isn’t climate change wonderful? A strong storm system churning its way through the desert Southwest early Thursday will bring metro Atlanta a good chance for a white Christmas, with accumulating snow possible as far south as the Columbus and Macon areas, forecasters said. . . . “Across the north Georgia mountains, the precipitation should fall […]

The Year ‘Global Warming’ Died

 Even the New York Times is forced to admit that the alarmists are fighting a losing battle: The Obama administration, which came into office pledging to limit emissions in the United States, scaled back its ambitions after climate and energy legislation died in the Senate this year. Challengers have mounted a vigorous assault on the […]

Asking Tip-Jar Hitters to Send Me to Cancun? Probably Not Worth Trying

Chris Horner at The American Spectator calls to our attention the fact that the latest effort to coerce us into adopting the Kyoto protocols — the holy writ of the global-warming cult — involves bringing 15,000 participants to the Mexican beach resort of Cancun for two entire weeks. (Video via Instapundit.) The overwhelming majority of these […]

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