The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Lowry to Climate-Change Zealot: Put Your Hockey Stick Where the Sun Don’t Shine

For my money, the funniest thing in National Review editor Rich Lowry’s reply to global-warming guru Michael Mann is this: Is it too much to ask that world-renowned climate scientists spend less time on Facebook? Mann posted a number of enraged Facebook rants because his notorious “hockey stick” graph, projecting a sharp increase in global temperatures caused […]

Question To Bush: How Does It Feel To Be Anti-Christ And Savior?

by Smitty See if I’ve got this sorted correctly: Obama blames Bush for the crappy economy. Bush = Anti-Christ. ManBearPig says a crappy economy is needed to trim atmospheric CO2 levels. Bush = Savior? Two wrongs don’t make a right, but two or more wrongs often seem to comprise a day’s work for the Democrats.

James Sensenbrenner Chickens Out of Climate Change Conference Over Ad

Just four hours ago, I told you about the awesome billboard campaign by the Heartland Institute, highlighting such global-warming fanatics as “Unabomber” Ted Kacynzinski. Now, unfortunately, Wisconsin Rep. James Sensenbrenner has chickened out: Congressman Sensenbrenner will not participate in the upcoming Climate Change Conference if the Heartland Institute decides to continue this ad campaign. We have contacted […]

Heartland Institute Hits Global Warming With Ted Kaczynski Billboard Campaign

This is brilliant: Billboards in Chicago paid for by The Heartland Institute point out that some of the world’s most notorious criminals say they “still believe in global warming” — and ask viewers if they do, too. . . . The billboard series features Ted Kaczynski, the infamous Unabomber; Charles Manson, a mass murderer; and […]

Global Warming Cult Playbook Released

by Smitty Tom Nelson might be onto a scoop here about something called “The Consensus Project”: Mainstream Media: This is the key if we want to achieve public consciousness. MSM is an opaque wall to me so ideas welcome. I suspect this will involve developing time lines, building momentum for the idea and consulting with […]

Stickin’ It To The Mann Who’s Been Stickin’ It To You

by Smitty VA AG Ken Cuccinelli, seeking to shed a little light on the global warming hoax, sued UVA to obtain evidence about Michael “Hockey Stick” Mann’s “research”, and was accused of “harassment“. The Virginia Supreme Court, In a rebuke to the Attorney General, and to the writers of Virginia’s Fraud Against Taxpayers Act, the […]

In Apologizing for Global Warming Hoax, Peter Gleick Blames His Victims

The Heartland Institute was vicitimized by global warming fanatics who published stolen documents and at least one forged document in their attempts to portray the Institute as dishonest. One of the central figures in this criminal hoax was Peter Gleick of the Pacific Institute, who uses the Huffington Post to offer an excuse: My judgment […]

Free-Market Heartland Institute Victimized by Liberal Hoaxers

One of my smoking buddies at CPAC was Jim Lakely, a veteran newsman (and former Washington Times colleague) who now makes his living as communications director for Chicago’s Heartland Institute. And he’s outraged by the shoddy work of liberal journalists: Yesterday afternoon, two advocacy groups posted online several documents they claimed were The Heartland Institute’s […]

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