The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Anthropogenic Global Offgassing Change Climate

by Smitty That the climate changes is a no-brainer. Of course it does. I admire the Left’s rhetorical trick of silencing opposition at work here, akin to asserting that the Earth rotates, such that anyone daring to fall short of total agreement is claiming a static planet. Bravo. And, also, apparently, the sun doesn’t have […]

Haters Gonna Hate, Deniers Gonna Deny

Rush Limbaugh did a brilliant riff on Chris Cillizza’s claim that only “hate” can cause people to vote Republican: The Democrats always win the generic ballot, except when they don’t — and when they don’t, it causes an earthquake in Washington, and this has caused an earthquake. Just a couple of months ago the Democrats […]

EPA Climate-Change Expert Admits ‘Historic’ Fraud for $900,000

Our Moral Superiors: "Beale, an NYU grad with a masters from Princeton …" — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) December 16, 2013 “I thought, ‘Oh my God, How could this possibly have happened in this agency?’ . . . I’ve worked for the government for 35 years. I’ve never seen a situation like this.” The […]

Remember: ‘Climate’ Is Not ‘Weather’ (Unless Scientists Tell Us It Is)

Global Warming: The SCIENCE is SETTLED! @iWeatherNews @GlockLady @AmrElGabry — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) December 13, 2013 Once you realize that anthropogenic global warming (also known as “climate change”) is a non-falsifiable theory, the pretzel logic is amusing: Any extreme or damaging weather — including extreme cold — can be cited as evidence of […]

The Politics of Weather

One of the horrors of 21st-century America — a harbinger of creeping totalitarianism — is that everything is becoming political. Sex is political. Food is political. School is political. And, thanks to the global warming scare, even the weather is now political. Except we don’t even call it “weather” anymore. Now it’s called “climate.” Silly […]

Any #ManBearPig Sightings In Peru?

by Smitty The Government of Peru has declared a state of emergency in parts of the southern Andean region of Puno after temperatures have plummeted to the coldest they have been in a decade. President Ollanta Humala announced emergency states in seven separate Puno provinces: Carabay, Sandia, Lampa, San Antonio de Putina, Melgar, Puno and […]

Al Gore Has More Nerve Than The NHL Has Hockey Sticks

by Smitty Al Gore at Breitbart (no embed for autoplay reasons) was whinging on about the failure of Democracy, mainly because (a) he couldn’t tip the 2000 election his way, and (b) anybody with a shred of sense understands he IS the quintessential vulture capitalist. I like to call as much attention as possible to […]

Just When You Think Democrats Couldn’t Possibly Get Any Crazier …

. . . they somehow manage to surprise you: Several House Democrats are calling on Congress to recognize that climate change is hurting women more than men, and could even drive poor women to “transactional sex” for survival. The resolution, from Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) and a dozen other Democrats, says the results of climate […]

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