The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘The Climate Industrial Complex’

Left to right: Tom Steyer, John Podesta, George Soros. Billionaires like Tom Steyer are funding organizations like John Podesta’s Center for American Progress which use their influence to silence opposition to the radical environmental agenda: Blue-collar workers and other traditional Democratic constituencies are the biggest losers from the green policies peddled by Podesta and funded […]

Crazy People Are Dangerous

How many times do I have to explain this? A nationally known gay rights attorney and green activist set himself on fire and burned to death in Prospect Park early Saturday in a bizarre ecological protest suicide. The charred remains of David Buckel, 60, were discovered shortly after sunrise when firefighters responded to a report […]

Guy McPherson’s Climate-Change Doomsday Cult: ‘Near Term Extinction’

  In August 2007, University of Arizona Professor Guy McPherson gave the keynote address for the university’s Master of Public Health (MPH) program: “The End of Civilization and the Extinction of Humanity.” The basis of Professor McPherson’s doomsday vision then was “peak oil”: Because this country mainlines cheap oil, it is easy to envision the […]

The Chicken Little Democrats

“It’s a shameful moment for the United States. . . . He’s made us an environmental pariah in the world.” — John Kerry, on MSNBC The liberal media’s all-Russia-all-the-time news coverage was interrupted yesterday when President Trump announced that he was repudiating the Paris Climate Accord, which the Obama administration had signed onto at the […]

Good-Bye, Miami Beach? The Problem With Climate-Change Hysteria

From a Guardian feature about Miami: “There has been a rise of about 10 inches in sea levels since the 19th century — brought about by humanity’s heating of the planet through its industrial practices — and that is now bringing chaos to Miami Beach by regularly flooding places like Alton Road,” says Harold Wanless, […]

The Silence Is Settled!

No more criticizing the Climate Change Consensus™! The BBC has muzzled anyone who does not agree with Official Global Warming Science™ and Salon’s Lindsay Abrams is orgasmic with pleasure: Good news for viewers of BBC News: You’ll no longer be subjected to the unhinged ravings of climate deniers and other members of the anti-science fringe. […]

Robert Redford Uses Independence Day To Ride Climate Hobby-Horse

by Smitty I guess plutocratic People Who Matter feel an esteem boost from agreeing with the elder quasi-Kennedy: Liberal Blowhard Smitty Heading into the July 4th celebration of America’s independence got me thinking about when it comes to huge challenges we’ve faced as a nation, we have a rich and storied history of aspirational spirit and belief in […]

The Science Is Settled?

Definition of intellectual: Someone who presumes to judge, outside the field of their own expertise, who qualifies as an “expert”: Florida’s Sen. Marco Rubio came under attack this week for refusing to submit to scientific authority. “I do not believe that human activity is causing these dramatic changes to our climate the way these scientists […]

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