The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Transgender Totalitarianism

  In England, no one is permitted to disapprove of castrating children: Police in England interrogated a stay-at-home mom for tweeting her disapproval of sex reassignment surgery for a minor, a move some say indicates alarming governmental censorship of free speech, especially speech related to transgenderism. Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull, a self-described feminist and mother of four, […]

Disgusting ‘Trans Lesbian’ Exposed

  Last month, I highlighted Cynthia Yockey’s discussion of autogynephilia: Autogynephilia is a self-induced, chronic, progressive disorder . . . Sexual fetishes occur almost exclusively in men, and men who have one sexual fetish usually have several . . . This kind of “transgenderism” is actually a fetish, a perverse obsession which is an acquired […]

The Transgender Victimhood Narrative Continues to Sustain Damage

  On Feb. 6, the Buffalo News reported: A 35-year-old man was fatally shot on Tuesday in the 100 block of Shepard Street, near Pullman Place, Buffalo police said. The killing is Buffalo’s first confirmed homicide of the year. In 2017, three people were killed on New Year’s Day. The Shepard Street victim had no […]

Transgenderism: ‘Equality’ for the Insane

  Nearly 10 years ago, after gay activists launched hateful attacks on supporters of California’s Proposition 8, I explained that the LGBT movement’s “vitriolic rage highlighted how the progressive rhetoric of ‘rights’ undermines and destabilizes political consensus”: Seizing on the triumphant narrative of the black civil-rights movement, liberals adopted the habit of framing political debates […]

Your Homophobia Is a ‘Direct Threat’ of ‘Potential Violence,’ Says Queer Feminist

  “Ellie” (@helliebeanz on Twitter) is a 22-year-old university art student in Tampa. She is a self-described “queer” Cuban-American who is “severely mentally ill.” She is “disabled,” and says she has “been professionally diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, bipolar type II, and PTSD.” She is into comics, “body positivity, mental health awareness . . . […]

Teenager Uses Gay Dating App to Meet Cute Strangers, and Bad Things Happen

As I’ve often explained, online dating is for losers. The very fact that somebody is trying to hook up via an Internet site or smartphone app tells you that nobody they actually know in real life is willing to date them. Guys who engage in online dating are a bunch of desperate creeps, sorting through […]

Anarchy in the @UKLabour: Party Will Put Trannies on ‘All Women Shortlist’

  As radical as the transgender agenda has become in the United States, it’s gone even further in Great Britain, where the taxpayer-funded healthcare system now encourages “transition” for children as young as 12. The number of minors being referred to NHS gender clinics has quadrupled since 2012, raising widespread concern about “social contagion” as […]

Violence Against Women: Convict Kills His Mother’s Girlfriend and Her Daughter

Marlin Larice Joseph is accused of murder in Florida. Marlin Larice Joseph, 26, has tattoos on his face. In 2013, he was charged with “lewd behavior” involving a 13-year-old girl, and was sentenced to prison. He served less than a year of that sentence, and was living with his mother, Robin Denson, in West Palm […]

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