The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Lindsay Beyerstein’s Gay Rage

Lindsay Beyerstein tells us that she is “an award-winning investigative journalist,” but she’ll win no awards for this: By definition, bigots are people with unshakable baseless prejudices. There is absolutely no reason, besides blind prejudice, to deny same sex couples the right to civil marriage. According to Beyerstein, then, “blind prejudice” has defined human society since […]

Dr. Melissa Couthier: The Other Kind of ‘Gay Marriage’ Not So Good, Either

By which she means the kind in which a gay guy marries a woman, goes out to get it on with random dudes he meets in gay bars and then brings home a chlamydia infection for the missus: The fact is, many people, gay and straight, want to live the life of a single slut and have the […]

The Bigotry of ‘Progress’

“Where it is not necessary to change, it is necessary not to change.” — Viscount Falkland, 1641 “My attitude toward progress has passed from antagonism to boredom. I have long ceased to argue with people who prefer Thursday to Wednesday because it is Thursday.” — G.K. Chesterton, 1923 “I can empathize with everyone I cover […]

The Hate That Dare Not Speak Its Name

Yes, friends, I’m talking about . . . heterophobia: Veteran Rep. Babette Josephs (D., Phila.) last Thursday accused her primary opponent, Gregg Kravitz, of pretending to be bisexual in order to pander to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender voters, a powerful bloc in the district. “I outed him as a straight person,” Josephs said during […]

Liberals Scream: ‘No Fair! Conservatives Are Infringing Our Monopoly on Gay-Baiting Republican Closet Cases!’

As Professor Donald Douglas points out, that is the essence of liberal blogger Steve Benen’s concern-troll post at Washington Monthly: I’m not generally in the habit of defending Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), but some of the abuse he’s been receiving from the right is ridiculous. . . . For the record, I neither know nor […]

How Gay Is Elena Kagan?

Gayer than the annual convention of the K.D. Lang Fan Club, but the White House was so eager to slam Ben Domenech as author of a right-wing “whisper campaign” that now the Obama administration finds itself lashed to the mast of its adamant insistence on Kagan’s heterosexuality. The weekend merriment is recounted by The Week […]

Ben Domenech Accidentally ‘Outed’ Really-Not-So-Closeted Lesbian

This is hilarious. Potential Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan is gayer than the first three rows at an Indigo Girls concert, and yet the White House acts all outraged that conservative writer Ben Domenech incorrectly described the unmarried 49-year-old as “openly gay.”  Kagan is not officially so open about it, and this gives the White House a […]

If You Haven’t Been Groped by Eric Massa Yet, Please Raise Your Hand

OK, let’s do a count . . . uh, so far, looks like I’m the only one: [I]n conversations yesterday and today with some of Massa’s Navy shipmates, it became clear that the behavior toward his subordinates that got Massa into trouble in Congress is part of pattern that dates to his time in the Navy. […]

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