The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Am I the Only One Who Remembers . . .

. . . how often we were told that the Catholic Church sex scandals had nothing to do with homosexuality? Yeah, there was an endless parade of former altar boys coming forward to say they’d been molested by priests, but this was in no way related to the accused priests being gay, you see, and anyone who dared suggest […]

Alabama Radio Hosts Rick and Bubba Offend Soccer Fans Homosexuals

Rick Burgess: “I would dare to say that we would never declare Fornication Pride Month”: Pam Spaulding is having a conniption. Just in case anyone wants to do a guilt-by-association smear, I’ll point out that Rick and Bubba are alumni of my alma mater, Jacksonville (Ala.) State University, as is James Joyner of Outside the Beltway. […]

Intellectuals: Smarter Than God?

Robert Knight takes a hard look at the elite punditocracy’s slow slide into moral relativism: On ABC’s This Week on May 30, [George] Will agreed with colleague Matthew Dowd that apart from a few glitches, homosexuality will soon be a non-issue in the military. . . . Will: “For people of Matt’s son’s generation, being gay […]

Best. Ugandan. Video. Evah!

To quote The Right Scoop, “CONTENT WARNING“!

Another Classic Charlie Crist Flip-Flop: From Homophobic Closet Case to
Pro-Gays-in-the-Military Closet Case

Gay-rights activists might consider this “progress.” Republican can congratulate themselves on being rid of the beau ideal of transparent bogusness: Charlie Crist, who previously opposed repealing Don’t Ask Don’t Tell when he was a Republican . . . will now support the repeal compromise . . . . Until recently, Crist had been saying that […]

Elena Kagan’s Bold, Refreshing, Courageous Heterosexuality

Y’know, when you have to get your friends to leak it, as if divulging a dirty little secret . . . Elena Kagan is not a lesbian, one of her best friends told POLITICO Tuesday night, responding to persistent rumors and innuendo about the Supreme Court nominee’s personal life. “I’ve known her for most of her […]

Lesbian for Life or Gay Baby-Killer? Does Elena Kagan Support Roe v. Wade?

Privately, she’s gay enough for Obama, and her anti-military record at Harvard should get Elena Kagan lots of kudos from “Blame America First” Democrats. But the pro-life Susan B. Anthony List wants Senate Republicans to get the new Supreme Court nominee’s abortion views on the record: Today, in response to President Obama’s nomination of Elena Kagan to the United States Supreme Court, Marjorie Dannenfelser, […]

Lesbian Elena Kagan Will Be Nominated by Obama; Gayest SCOTUS Evah!

Tonight, I’m reaping the Google traffic bonanza from “How Gay Is Elena Kagan?” (Short answer: Gayer than Rosie O’Donnell guest-hosting the Ellen DeGeneres show.) Now everybody’s Googling for America’s most famous stealth lesbian: Kagan, 50, served as the Dean of Harvard Law Lesbian School from 2003 to 2009. Obama nominated her to serve in her current […]

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