The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Shocker: Sarah Palin’s Teenage Daughters Act Like Teenage Girls on Facebook

Which is incredibly significant, according to a lot of people who would never vote for Sarah Palin under any circumstance whatever: During the premiere of “Sarah Palin’s Alaska” Sunday night — a boy named Tre who went to school with the Palin kids wrote a status update that read, “Sarah Palin’s Alaska, is failing so […]

How Illinois Democrat Official Sue Walton Puts Down (Married Father of Four) Andrew Breitbart: ‘I Think He’s Gay’

In general, I avoid the “liberals are hypocrites” line of argument that highlights episodes of Democrats engaging in sexism, racism and homophobia, because (a) plenty of other conservatives employ that argument, and (b) my feeling is that political correctness exaggerates the extent and/or danger of these postmodern “sins” against the Religion of Tolerance. Sexism? American […]

Warning: The Jokes You Tell Can and Will Be Held Against You in a Court of Law

As someone who jokes about everything, I’m sick and tired of people who think that bad jokes are somehow a violation of their civil rights: A skydiving instructor who joked with a female student that he couldn’t be falling for her because he’s gay has filed a discrimination suit, claiming he was cut loose from […]

Shame in a Shameless Culture

The tragedy of Tyler Clementi’s suicide has drawn much commentary. We are not surprised that Pam Spaulding seizes the opportunity to lecture us about “homophobia” — the scare-quotes necessitated, as I always note, by the pseudo-diagnostic nature of the term. Stipulate that such a phenomenon as “homophobia” exists, that there are people who have an irrational […]

Ann Coulter + Gays = MEDIA OUTRAGE!

How dare she speak to gay people about “civil rights”! That’s the MSM take on Ann Coulter’s speech to GOProud, as the magnificent Lisa DePasquale reports: I was fortunate to be a guest of Coulter’s at a New York City cocktail party where she gave a short speech and did Q&A with GOProud, a group of […]

John Cornyn’s Gay Leadership Recognized

The senator from Texas is chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, which has supported such political hermaphrodites as Arlen Specter, Charlie Crist, Lisa Murkowski and Mike Castle. Unfortunately, Cornyn was so busy Wednesday evening that he was unable to attend the Log Cabin Republican event where he was presented with a leadership award. Pete […]

Staff of Sen. Saxby Chambliss Not Really Helping Republican Image Problem

Unless “ALL FAGGOTS MUST DIE” was the campaign theme GOP strategists were planning for this fall, somebody in the senator’s Atlanta office is about to join the growing ranks of the unemployed. Just sayin’ . . .

Harry Reid to Gays: ‘I Really Want Your Votes. But First You Will Blow Me.’

Or words to that effect, as the imperiled Senate Majority Leader — who’s losing ground to Sharron Angle in Nevada — was one of three Democrats to vote against repealing the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”  policy: All Senate Republicans and three Democrats voted to block debate on the bill after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) […]

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