The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin Prevents Repeal of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’

Of course, that’s not the Associated Press lede: Republicans blocked a last-ditch effort in the Senate to lift the military’s ban on openly gay troops on Thursday, dealing a major blow to gay rights groups and making it unlikely Congress could repeal “don’t ask, don’t tell” any time soon. The 57-40 vote fell three short […]

Allen West: DADT Debate ‘Crazy’

Video interview with Newsmax: “The mission of the United States military is not to accommodate behavior, and definitely not to accommodate sexual behavior. But right now, what is most important for us to be talking about? “In this past week, we had the Taliban infiltrate a gentlemen into the Afghan security forces who shot six […]

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, and Don’t Go Messing With the U.S. Marine Corps

The Pentagon issues a study on the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”  A military veteran points out that “opposition and skepticism is highest, a majority, among those in the Marine Corps, Army and combat units,” and adds: [T]he report also represents a rather cavalier attitude at the top toward those troops who either have […]

Why Doesn’t the SPLC Just Go Ahead and Call the Republican Party a ‘Hate Group’?

Both the American Family Association and Concerned Women for America — and four other groups that generally oppose the gay-rights agenda — have now taken notice of the “hate” tag placed on them by the Southern Poverty Law Center. But why stop there? Why not the entire GOP? Why not the U.S. Marine Corps and the Boy Scouts of America? […]

FBI Report: Remember That Predicted Wave of Tea Party Hate Crimes?

Despite warnings about “right wing extremists” from the Department of Homeland Security, the Great Hate Tsunami of 2009 failed to materialize: The number of hate crime incidents in the United States reported for 2009 came down from 2008, according to data released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation on Monday. “While the number of law […]

More Lame-Duck Madness

You know how all those pollsters and pundits were so eager to tell us that the mid-term election — in which Republicans gained more House seats than in any election since 1938 — were not a “mandate” for the GOP agenda? Yeah, well, how the hell was this election a mandate for repealing “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell,” pushing […]

What Did Alaskans Vote For?

Apparently, Lisa Murkowski considers her write-in re-election a mandate for the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” Really? Maybe I missed something. Was that even an issue during the campaign? And what other mandates will Murkowski now claim from the Alaska electorate? The fact that Joe Lieberman says he’s now got 60 votes for repealing […]

Andrew Sullivan: Does the Phrase ‘And the Horse You Rode In On’ Ring a Bell?

“Here’s Robert Stacy McCain rushing to Willow’s defense . . . Maybe I should defer to McCain as an arbiter of homophobia. He’s one of the vilest bigots on the web.” — Andrew Sullivan OK, post-election flame-wars being The New Black, I’m happy at last to have an antagonist who (a) hates all Republicans and […]

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