The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Captain of USS Enterprise Relieved From Duty in Politically Correct Witch Hunt

First, the news: The U.S. Navy will temporarily relieve Capt. Owen Honors of his post pending investigation of the series of explicit videos he is said to have produced when he was second in command of the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise, sources tell ABC News. Capt. Honors is under investigation for a series of raunchy […]

Sodomy Is Not Pro-Life

Just pointing that out for the benefit of Andrew Sullivan who claims to be Catholic — e.g., his post about Epiphany — and seizes upon Ross Douthat’s pro-life column today to make a plea for “expanding adoption opportunities.” Nudge. Nudge. While it’s tragic, I suppose, that Sully isn’t a zillionaire rock star who can afford […]

Ready for the Best. CPAC. Evah?

Confirmed speakers for this year’s event — Feb. 10-12 at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in D.C. — include Ann Coulter, Andrew Breitbart, Newt Gingrich, David Horowitz and Haley Barbour — and you can expect many more big names to be announced in the next six weeks. Lisa DePasquale and her crew out-do themselves every […]

Jonah Goldberg Is Wrong

Goldberg celebrates the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell as a step toward the “rise of the gay bourgeoisie.” But what is happening is not the bourgeoisification of radicalism; rather, it’s the radicalization of the bourgeoisie. If the American middle-class adopts more and more the radical-egalitarian worldview of the Left, this cannot be sold as […]

Truth or Hate?

“Telling uncomfortable truths about homosexual behavior is not an act of hate. . . . The SPLC slander of Christian organizations is a troubling shift; instead of being focused on actions, we now are told that certain facts are disallowed in public discourse because they bear negatively on the political agenda and sensitivities of a […]

‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ Repeal Easily Clears Cloture Vote in Senate
UPDATE: Final Vote 65-31 for Repeal

Only 33 “no” votes on the cloture roll call because, as everyone knows, Senate Republicans are all a bunch of closet cases. So we now approach the day when uniformed service personnel — including ranking officers — will march in the Gay Pride Parade next to Dykes on Bikes and the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. […]

Who Will Courageously Defy the National Gallery’s Gay-Bashing Homophobia?

Why, yes, of course, it’s Frank Rich! And that’s exactly how he construes the situation whereby an exhibit at the National Gallery of Art — “a survey of same-sex themes in American portraiture,” as Rich describes it — was subjected to “censorship” because one work was removed from the exhibit. Anyone offended by a video […]


Sometimes it’s strange how one thing leads to another. Last night, while blogging about the arrest of Columbia University Professor David Epstein, I noted that several people seemed to have a hard time understanding why incest is illegal: Readers might suppose that arguments involving phrases like “thou shalt not” and words like “abomination” are sternly […]

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