The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Embattled.’ IYKWIMAITYD.

Shortly after reporters begin to call a politician “embattled,” it’s usually not long before he announces he needs to “spend more time with his family.” See if you can figure out why this particular politician became “embattled” recently: Receipts from embattled Southaven Mayor Greg Davis reveal . . . Uh-oh. “Reveal” – if you’re a politician, […]

Determined to Lose the Catholic Vote, Newt Gingrich Says Homosexuality Is a Choice Like … Clerical Celibacy?

I understand the argument, but maybe the twice-divorced candidate isn’t the guy who should be making it: Q: Do you believe that people choose to be gay? GINGRICH: I believe it’s a combination of genetics and environment. I think both are involved. I think people have many ranges of choices. Part of the question is, […]

Iowa State University ‘Sexuality’ Professor Heckles Rick Perry at Campaign Event

Warren Blumenfeld, associate professor of “Multicultural & International Curriculum Studies,” academic heckler: A packed coffee house where Rick Perry spoke this afternoon turned into a bit of a ruckus that left the candidate heading out the back door and straight to his vehicle after several Iowans screamed questions about his views on gays. “Why do […]

BOOM! Hot Gay Mess Suddenly Explodes Over Rick Perry’s Iowa Campaign Ad

Welcome to the point in the campaign when the copy desk starts using words like “embattled” in headlines on stories that include phrases like “mired in controversy” about the “struggling” candidate: Backlash over a TV ad by Texas Gov. Rick Perry has exploded into public accusations and recriminations, with the leader of a gay Republican group declaring […]

OMG! Hollywood Liberal to Bristol Palin: ‘Your Mother’s a Whore. She’s the Devil.’ UPDATE: Gay Trig-Truther Loves Levi UPDATE: Heckler Says He’s ‘Ashamed’; Also: Is Bristol Really a ‘Homophobe’?

Oh, the wonderful Civility™ of liberals! Bristol Palin went to a cowboy-themed restaurant/bar in West Hollywood, where she rode a mechanical bull while a reality-show camera crew shot video. Some guy at the bar shouted: “Did you ride Levi like that? Your mother’s a whore!” And when someone asked him, “What was that about?” the […]

A Mom Named Stacy

Names are curious things. Sometimes I have to explain what should be obvious, that the name of this blog is “The Other McCain” because I did not support my distant cousin John’s candidacy in the 2008 GOP primary campaign. (Don’t Blame Me, I Voted for Bob Barr!) And when people ask, “Should I call you Bob? Rob? […]

‘It Gets Better,’ Except When It Doesn’t and Then Teenagers Commit Suicide

If you haven’t paid much attention to public schools in recent years, you may not realize that “anti-bullying” messages are now ubiquitous, often promoted in the name of “tolerance” for gay youth. And this theme has atracted outspoken support from Hollywood celebrities: Last September, the “It Gets Better Project” was launched online as a place for […]

‘Outing’ Ellen Page: The Politicization of Sex and the Sexualization of Politics

One of the unfortunate consequences of living in a sex-obsessed culture is that sex pervades and dominates everything, so that no subject can be discussed outside a sexual context. And this explains why I’m writing about Ellen Page, a 24-year-old actress whose name I’d never heard before I received an e-mail this morning. Miss Page […]

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