The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘The Immature, Demagogic Phase’

  Who is J.J. McCullough? Never heard of him before yesterday, when someone called my attention to his latest National Review column: I doubt that many Americans would disagree that the country’s conversation about gay rights is far more mature and considered than it was two decades ago. . . . Today, there exists broad understanding that […]

The Rocky Horror Family Show

  It’s astounding. Time is fleeting. Madness takes its toll: A Michigan mother of five decided she wants to be a man, and now she’s opening up about how much she loves when her kids call her both mom and dad. Formerly Erica Maison, the 40-year-old mother now goes by Eric Maison, and began her […]

‘Give Me Equality — and Pay My Bills!’

  How much does it cost to get pregnant? Well, a bottle of wine and maybe the price of some candles, doing it the old-fashioned romantic way. Fortunately, my wife doesn’t drink, so we’ve got six kids at an even cheaper rate, but my point is that pregnancy is usually free. Not everybody does things […]

Notorious Transgender Activist Compares Feminist Critics to Drug Addicts

  Feminist critics of transgenderism are “dogmatic” and debating them is “pointless,” according to Char Vortryss, a member of a controversial group that will hold a panel Saturday at the San Francisco Public Library. “Until you come to understand that your dogma is harmful [and] decide to find another way, ‘debate’ is pointless,” Vortryss said […]

Transgender Supremacy: Understanding the Ideology of a Totalitarian Menace

Clinton James Crawford, a/k/a “Char Vortryss” a/k/a “Char the Butcher.” Nobody actually believes in “equality.” No such thing as “equality” has ever existed in human history, nor is there any policy agenda which could feasibly bring about “equality” in the future. (You could read Thomas Sowell’s The Quest for Cosmic Justice, which has a chapter […]

‘Big Brother’ Gets a Sex-Change

  The pervasive surveillance of the totalitarian police state — “Big Brother” as George Orwell described it in Nineteen Eighty-Four — has developed in ways Orwell almost certainly never imagined. Who could have predicted, after all, that the powers of the state would be mobilized to suppress opposition to transgender ideology by intimidating critics? British […]

What the Democrat Party Wants to Teach America’s Children About ‘Gender’

  Say hello to “Ezra” Morales: Towards the end of my sophomore year, when I first came out as transgender, I identified as gender-neutral or androgynous. Basically, I wasn’t a boy or a girl; I was simply genderless. Coming out felt as if the weight of the world had been lifted off my shoulders. At […]

Queer Feminism: Doing It Wrong

‘Lara Americo’ (left) and Joanne Spataro (right) at DragCon in New York. “I have found some lesbians to be the worst, most binary, most intolerant of them all. Some of them have no concept of another identity. They have this lesbian code of never having sex with another man and they have no idea of […]

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