The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Some Guy You Never Heard Of Wants to Be Some Woman You Never Heard Of

We must preface this with the observation that any pop music group with an exclamation point in their name is almost certainly gay: Against Me! singer Tom Gabel reveals plans to begin living as a woman in the new issue of Rolling Stone. Gabel, who has dealt privately with gender dysphoria for years, will soon […]

‘When You Wish Upon Cthulhu
Makes No Difference What You Do
Anything Your Heart Desires
Burns In Those Political Fires’

by Smitty The Postmodern/Progressive ideology that grips the Left continues to amaze. Its only principle is power. The capacity of the Left to use various constituencies, the LGBT folks being the most recent example, in a cynical manner should not surprise. Yet it continues to be a source of amazement and blog posts. The Lackeys […]

A Pansy-Assed Apology: ‘You Christians Are Too Christian, and Not Gay Enough’

Over the weekend, Dan Savage’s attack on Christianity became an online sensation — strange, how these coincidences happen — to the point that he felt obliged to issue an apology for a dishonest new defense of his hateful bigotry: Because the Bible says things Dan Savage doesn’t like, you must reject God and obey Dan […]

Students Walk Out After Anti-Bullying Speaker Dan Savage Calls Bible ‘Bulls–t’

Two weeks ago, the Journalism Education Association and the National Scholastic Press Association sponsored a national conference for high school journalists in Seattle. They invited San Francisco-based sex-advice columnist Dan Savage as a speaker. Savage reportedly began his speech by announcing to the teenagers, “I hope you’re all using birth control,” and made lascivious comments […]

‘Some Right-Wing Gloating About It’

Blame Instapundit for this one: He linked a Daily Beast item about Linda Lovelace and the 40th anniversary of Deep Throat, and while at the site, I saw a sidebar article with this headline: Melissa Etheridge’s Hideous Breakup What? I’d missed this news: Evidently, the rock guitarist’s lesbian divorce turned nasty and Daily Beast columnist Tricia […]

California Democrat Wants Navy to Name Ship for Gay-Rights Martyr Harvey Milk

Navy Times via the Quinton Report: An upcoming addition to the Navy’s fleet may be the USS Harvey Milk if Rep. Bob Filner, D-Calif., and other San Diego gay rights leaders have their way about it. The GLBT Historic Task Force of San Diego County and Filner sent letters to Navy Secretary Ray Mabus and […]

Ironic Payback for Philly Democrat

Pennsylvania State Rep. Babette Josephs Does the name Babette Josephs ring a bell? You may remember last month Josephs, a Democratic Pennsylvania state legislator from Philadelphia, harshly criticized Republicans, especially GOP women who supported a bill to require ultrasounds before abortions: Josephs’ remarks came at a political rally sponsored by the Lancaster County Democratic Committee, […]

New York Advocacy Group Plans ‘Very Gay Mother’s Day’ Event in Sex-Toy Shop

A New York group that describes itself as “an advocate and resource for people with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer (LGBTQ) parents” has announced a Mother’s Day fundraiser at a Soho sex-toy shop. “Join the queerspawn of COLAGE NYC on Sunday, May 13 for a very gay Mothers’ Day!” says the online invitation to […]

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