The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Distraction Tactic Backfires: Romney Gains in Polls After Obama Gay Shift

Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign strategy could be summarized in four words: “It’s Obama’s Economy, Stupid.” Romney and his aides have made clear that they regard every other issue as a distraction from what polls — as well as common sense — indicate as the main concern of American voters: Jobs, the economy and the explosion […]

Our ‘First Gay President’ Now Losing Support From Black Christian Pastors

“Ouch, that’s going to leave a mark“: A Texas pastor who once led the Southern Baptist Convention in introducing a resolution that recognized Obama’s historic achievement has voiced his displeasure with the president’s support and approval of gays, reports the Associated Baptist Press. Dwight McKissic, pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church in Arlington, wrote in a […]

Really, Mr. Quick?

by Smitty Really, Mr. Quick? Smitty is running a Gay Obama item a day, more or less. I know he’s trying to hurt Obama by playing up Obama’s support of gay rights with those who think gays should have no rights at all. Hm. I can’t parse this in any meaningful way. Homosexuality, as an […]

Good May Come Of This Administration: The Realization That Federal Involvement In Personal Matters Is False

by Smitty Bruce Carroll, writing in the Daily Caller, critiquing the Left’s response to Barack’s panderingevolution this last week: In my experience this is a typical reaction from left-wing gays and lesbians. They want to be liked, accepted, adored and fawned over. This week, President Obama gave them an important moment of self-adoration. After the […]

As a Notorious Homophobe, Of Course, I Don’t Do Broadway Show Tune Lyrics

It would be too gay to say, for example, that you’ve got to be carefully taught to swallow Democrat Party propaganda without question. Therefore I’m grateful to Gay Patriot for invoking a tune from My Fair Lady in discussing Obama’s recent “evolution”: He’s like the guy who tells his beloved how much he loves her, tells her wants to […]

President Obama Sends Me E-Mail

Once you give Democrats your e-mail address, this kind of stuff just keeps showing up in your inbox: Robert — Today, I was asked a direct question and gave a direct answer: I believe that same-sex couples should be allowed to marry. I hope you’ll take a moment to watch the conversation, consider it, and […]

Fox News Closet Case (Who’s Not Fooling Anybody) Declares GOP Opponents of Gay Marriage ‘On the Wrong Side of History’

How many “blind” items in the tabloids have we seen and knew they were talking about precious (formerly) pretty boy Shep, huh? Fox News anchor Shep Smith made his own news today when he said President Obama was “now in the 21st century” after his support for same-sex marriage. Minutes later, in a conversation with […]

Hope and Change Go Gay

Predictable: President Obama today announced that he now supports same-sex marriage, reversing his longstanding opposition amid growing pressure from the Democratic base and even his own vice president. Of course, as Ace of Spades pointed out earlier, Obama had stated his support for gay marriage as early as 1996: Answering a questionnaire in 1996, he […]

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