The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Rhode Island Neo-Nazis and Other Mysteries of 21st-Century Hate

BEAVERCREEK, Ohio Professor William Jacobson has spent two years wondering about the Neo-Nazi menace in Rhode Island, a threat that the Southern Poverty Law Center warns about in its annual “hate group” listing, but which it seems no one has ever actually documented: SPLC’s hate map at the time listed a total of three hate groups in Rhode Island, […]

I Blame Rachel Maddow!

And why not? If you Google her name with Chick-fil-A and Family Research Council, you get more than 450,000 hits. It therefore should be obvious that Maddow’s hateful rhetoric against Chick-fil-A and Family Research Council incited today’s shooting at FRC’s office in Washington, D.C. Now that we have determined the shooter’s motive and found a scapegoat to blame — […]

DNC Endorses State-Sanctioned Sodomy

The Party of Official Perversity: A plank supporting same-sex marriage will be included as part of the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) draft platform, according to an exclusive report at the Washington Blade, which notes it was a unanimous decision. Fire, brimstone and further updates expected . . . UPDATE: We are supposed to believe — indeed, […]

It’s Homophobolicious!

Today my 13-year-old son Jefferson coined that word while we were driving to Chick-fil-A, a dinnertime decision I made after reading how intolerant bozos are trying to ban Chick-fil-A in Boston and Chicago. After seeing the headlines at Memeornadum, I did a quick Google search and learned that the nearest Chick-fil-A is 15 miles away — a […]

The Democrat Agenda 2012

Far be it from me to be intolerant or judgmental, you understand, but when I check Memeorandum and see a story like this . . . Web campaign targets Romney’s ‘extreme anti-LGBT agenda’ A pair of liberal super PACs are teaming up on a new Web campaign that accuses Mitt Romney of advancing an “extreme […]

Of Course, He’s Canadian

Police say that Canadian gay porn star Luka Magnotta murdered his Chinese lover, Lin Jun, dismembered the corpse and ate part of it, mailed parts of Lin’s body to Canada’s leading political parties, and posted video of his gruesome crime on the Internet. There is now an international manhunt for Magnotta, who is believed to have fled to — […]

Court Declares Clinton-Era Defense of Marriage Act Unconstitutional

“Progress” is happening so fast nowadays, eh? Back in the 1990s, President Clinton implemented “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” and DOMA, which stood uncontested through the remainder of Clinton’s term and all through the eight years of Bush, but now — in the Obama era — these measures have been declared dreadfully oppressive. Hope! Change! And […]

The Myth of Gay-Rights ‘Tolerance’

Any conservative who has ever tried to have a rational discussion about what progressives call “marriage equality” understands the problem: The very fact of your opposition to this radical policy becomes the basis for attacks on your motives and character. Never mind that you are defending 5,000 years of civilization, while your antagonist is a deranged fanatic […]

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