The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Triumph of Androgyny

“O wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world that has such people in it!“ Katie Hill and her boyfriend Arin Andrews share a unique bond — they were both born as the opposite sex. Katie, 18, spent the first 15 years of her life as Luke, son […]

Please Don’t Tickle Me, Elmo — Or: What’s the Muppet Age of Consent?

The punch lines write themselves — “WHAT DID BIG BIRD KNOW AND WHEN DID HE KNOW IT?” — but of course, this isn’t a joke: The man who voices the puppet of Elmo on Sesame Street has taken leave amid allegations he had a sexual relationship with a 16-year-old boy. Kevin Clash, 52, has taken […]

Podhoretz ‘Evolves’ on Gay Marriage; Editorial Insubordination, Not So Much

Donald Douglas calls to our attention an interesting internecine quarrel at Commentary, where their freelance literary critic David Myers has been terminated because of a dispute that Myers claims was about gay marriage, but which the magazine’s editor John Podhoretz says was in fact about acts of insubordination by Myers: What I did not like, and what I […]

The Self-Dramatizing Victimhood Narrative of Lana (Neé Larry) Wachowski

There is nothing more pathological in contemporary culture than our de rigeur celebration of the hero/martyr/victim as the ambitional ideal. If you can achieve nothing else in life, you can always claim victimhood and be applauded for it. This is why we have hate hoaxes by people like Sharmeka Moffitt, and this is why all […]

@AmbassadorRice: The Shameful Stain That Is Susan Rice, Now on Twitter

So proud to defend #humanrights and ensure #LGBT voices are heard at the #UN. @global_equality — Susan Rice (@AmbassadorRice) October 11, 2012 “Four dead Americans, and she’s doing a happy dance because she thinks the UN is gay-friendly now? What delusional fantasy world is she living in?” — Sunshine State Sarah What part of “misplaced […]

OMG! @ParisHilton Gets Wrongly Tagged ‘H8R’ for Talking About Gay Sex

Paris Hilton: So Rich, She Don’t Need You Political Correctness requires that no one ever say anything to hurt the feelings of Designated Victim Groups, and even mega-celebrities are not exempt from this stupid rule: Paris Hilton has been caught on tape making homophobic and derogatory statements about gay men who have random sex with strangers […]

The Problem With Sexual ‘Rights’

“Seizing on the triumphant narrative of the black civil-rights movement, liberals adopted the habit of framing political debates in terms of minority ‘rights’ versus majority ‘discrimination.’ . . . To disagree with a liberal, to oppose his latest policy proposal, is to invite comparisons to Bull Connor and Orval Faubus, so long as the liberal […]

Does Anybody Think @BillMaher Is Funny?

I mean, besides Bill Maher: I keep hearing Ryan as teen drove the weinermobile – it sounds like a euphemism 4 gay While gay-baiting Paul Ryan, Maher also engages in racial stereotyping of President Obama: “In many ways — especially for progressives — [Obama] is too white for them. He plays golf, he’s too cozy with […]

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