The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

BREAKING: Kaitlyn Hunt Refuses Plea Offer, Will Face Trial on June 20

Kaitlyn Hunt, the Florida 18-year-old who admitted a sexual affair with a 14-year-old girl, has rejected a plea-bargain offer from prosecutors in Indian River County and will face trial June 20 on charges of lewd and lascivious battery. UPDATE: Hunt’s supporters had mounted an online campaign claiming that she was the victim of homophobic prejudice […]

Liberals Now Arguing for a Lesbian’s Right to Have Sex With a 14-Year-Old Girl

But it’s consensual! And . . . equality! Also, Kaitlyn Hunt — the lesbian charged with two counts of felony lewd and lascivious battery on a child — is a blonde who’s kinda cute, and who could object to cute blonde teenage lesbians? Here’s a local news video: While some readers may be struggling to resist […]

‘Diversity Is Our Strength’ — And Also Leads to Hate-Crime Murder in New York

Dan Riehl points out that “three Hispanic males” were implicated in the murder of a gay black man in Greenwich Village, a potentially relevant fact that the New York Times couldn’t be bothered to mention in maundering on about the historic vicinity of the crime: Mark Carson did not hide that he was gay, and […]

Why I’m Not on the Harvard Faculty

Besides the fact that all I’ve got is a bachelor’s degree from a third-tier state university, there’s also the problem that I don’t think it’s necessary to apologize for saying bad things about dead bisexual British economists, which is now apparently taboo. You can badmouth dead people or defame the British or libel an economist […]

VIDEO: Terrorist Floyd Corkins Tells FBI He Used SPLC ‘Hate’ List to Find Target

Steven Ertelt at LifeNews reports: In a chilling new Federal Bureau of Investigation interrogation video just released, Floyd Lee Corkins, who shot up the offices of the Family Research Council, on August 15, 2012, says that he picked his target from the Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) website. Corkins pled guilty to three charges, including […]

Dog Bites Man; Man Rapes Girl: Journalism and Other Crimes

Just a couple of innocent victims of homophobic bigotry? There is a basic rule of journalism — a rule that has nothing to do with politics whatsoever — that if a dog bites a man, that’s not news. News is when a man bites a dog. That is to say, newsworthy events are by definition […]

Homophobic Bigotry Update

Why is there so much anti-gay prejudice nowadays? For example, Dave Blount at Moonbattery says only “a sick, demented society” would “facilitate” adoption by same-sex couples. I can’t imagine why anyone would say that, can you? George Harasz and Douglas Wirth, a married couple from Glastonbury, Conn., were arrested in November 2011 following allegations by two of […]

‘New Motherf–king Tone’ Update, and Also: New Commie Wonkette Editor

Gay-rights activists are among the most hateful people in the world. Remember the Prop 8 reaction in 2008? Taking to the streets in furious indignation, activists created an “enemies list” of those who had contributed to support the measure, targeting them for boycotts and protests. The elderly co-owner of a Mexican restaurant, who had given […]

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