The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Relationship’ as a Euphemism: What Does This Tell Us About the Culture?

Kaitlyn Hunt’s family says she’s a victim of homophobia. A week ago, Canadian lesbian Kristin Ireland wrote: The Kaitlyn Hunt case haunts me. Never more than a few moments out of my mind. I read every word I can find on the subject. And I search for similar cases. How many of our young people […]

#FreeKate Update: Accused Teenager Attends Fundraising Party at Gay Bar

There has actually been news in the story of the accused sex offender who, for a few days last month, became a gay-rights poster girl. The biggest news? Support for the “Free Kate” movement has utterly collapsed, and even gay activists like Stampp Corbin of LGBT Weekly are calling b.s. on the victimhood narrative: What […]

Why Are Lesbians So Racist?

Or maybe the question should be, why does Michelle Obama hate lesbians? A heckler who identified herself as a “lesbian looking for federal equality before I die” interrupted a speech by the First Lady at a Democratic National Committee fundraiser Tuesday: First Lady Michelle Obama threatened to leave a Democratic National Committee fundraiser Tuesday after she […]

Local PFLAG: ‘The Cry of Discrimination …Does Not Seem to Apply’ in Hunt Case

Feb. 16 mug shot of accused sex offender Kaitlyn Ashley Hunt The local chapter of Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) refuses to support accused sex offender Kaitlyn Ashley Hunt: PFLAG of Vero Beach has received questions and comments regarding the controvery involving the two young ladies in Sebastian. We have been watching […]

VIDEO: Saint Kate of the Blessed Finger: ‘Beat Her F–king Ass! Get That Bitch!’

Feb. 16 mug shot of accused sex offender Kaitlyn Ashley Hunt A week ago, the phrase “accused sex offender Kaitlyn Ashley Hunt” wasn’t something I thought about. But until last Wednesday, I’d never heard of accused sex offender Kaitlyn Ashley Hunt. For some reason — beats me! — her supporters want accused sex offender Kaitlyn Ashley […]

Liberal Logic™ — #FreeKate Edition

Donald Douglas catches CNN portraying accused Florida lesbian sex offender Kaitlyn Ashley Hunt as a victim who “made a mistake.” “Oops! Was that your 14-year-old daughter’s vagina? So sorry . . .” Meanwhile, the #FreeKate idiots are trying a new tactic to suppress the truth: Anyone who mentions the facts of the case is a […]

#FreeKate Lies Rejected by Daily Kos Staffer, and Other New Developments

Generally speaking, people who care about facts are not liberals, so I was amazed when Donald Douglas pointed this out to me. WHAT? A liberal has admitted an error?… @ampowerblog First time for everything, eh? @joanmccarter @dailykos — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) May 25, 2013 McCarter’s original story on Monday, May 20, began with […]

Because She’s Cute, That’s Why

Some friends have asked why I’m being such a hard-ass about the Kaitlyn Hunt case. Certainly, my personal experience and opinions are relevant to the situation, and perhaps later I’ll discuss the case in terms of my perspective as an erstwhile teenage hoodlum. No one familiar with Rule Five of “How to Get a Million […]

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