The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Courage, Alessandra: ‘Let Us Determine to Die Here, and We Will Conquer!’

It’s weird how tunnel-vision can limit our knowledge of the online world. There are vast swaths of the Internet I’ve never seen. Today I noticed an inbound link from “Reflections by Alessandra,” who praised as “beautiful . . . must read” something I’d written. Alessandra’s blog seems to have an almost monomaniacal focus on fighting […]

An American Crisis: Fat Lesbians

Why are lesbians fat? Or, why are fat women lesbians? Is correlation causation? This profound scientific mystery demands an answer, and you can’t have science without a federal research grant: The federal government has spent $2.2 million studying why three quarters of lesbians are obese despite sequestration-mandated budget cuts that critics warned could “delay progress […]

Lubricating the Slippery Slope: The Intellectual Astroglide of the Elite

U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger: HATER! | @wgstweets @blnd_n_dngrus @DBT816 — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) August 31, 2013 Few are willing to admit the truth, namely that our cultural elite have abandoned the truth — but that is putting it too mildly. Our cultural elite, of which the editors of the Washington […]

States’ Rights: OK for Dopeheads; Hateful Hillbilly Bible-Thumpers, Not So Much

A headline that included the word “butt-f*ckers” — without the asterisk — crossed my mind here. However, because Ace of Spades is on a tear against the deliberate troll-baiting at Slate, I passed it up. Anyway, the re-election of President Obama meant that the gay agenda would be imposed top-down by executive authority, and the Internal […]

Family Terrorized as Michigan Teachers Support Colleague Who Molested Boy

Former middle-school teacher Neal Erickson, 38, pleaded guilty in May to having sex with a boy beginning in 2006 — when the boy was a 14-year-old eighth-grader — until 2009. His fellow teachers in Ogemaw County, Michigan, supported Erickson, writing letters to the judge asking for a lenient sentence. Any parent would be horrified by […]

Mystery in #FreeKate Case: What Does Kaitlyn Hunt’s BFF Julia Gilmore Know?

An intriguing detail I reported last week on the Kaitlyn Hunt case: [Assistant state attorney Christopher] Taylor also recounted a May incident in which Hunt violated the no-contract order by communicating with the victim “through a third party, Julia Gilmore.” In May, Gilmore told a local TV station she “has been friends with Hunt for five years” and, […]

Mama: #FreeKate Is Being Treated Like a Real Criminal at Indian River County Jail!

Kaitlyn Hunt: She’s in real jail, like a real criminal. Support Honesty remarked on Twitter that Kelley Hunt Smith seems shocked that her precious little pervert “was not placed in the special Privileged Pretty White Girl Jail for Internet Superstars”: Simple question for Kelley Hunt Smith: WHY DO YOU THINK THEY CALL IT ‘JAILBAIT’? Notice […]

New Concept of ‘Rights’ in America: If You’re Not Gay, You Don’t Have Any

Gosh, it seems like just a few years ago that allegedly serious people were warning about how the “christofascist godbags” of the Religious Right were an existential threat to freedom in America, and if you disagreed with these allegedly serious people, you were just a hateful bigot. Now? Well, you’re still a hateful bigot, but […]

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