The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Death of a Freak: Euthanasia for Belgium’s Botched Sex-Change ‘Monster’

What depths of self-hatred could lead someone to this? Nathan, born Nancy, Verhelst, 44, was given legal euthanasia, most likely by lethal injection, on the grounds of “unbearable psychological suffering” on Monday afternoon. . . . “I was the girl that nobody wanted,” Mr Verhelst told Het Laatste Nieuws newspaper in the hours before her […]

Gay Campus Group Hosts ‘Porn and Pizza’ Event at University of South Carolina

“Gay agenda”? Who said there’s a “gay agenda”? The Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, Straight Alliance (BGLSA) held a “Porn and Pizza” event Tuesday evening at the University of South Carolina (USC). According to a campus publication the Daily Gamecock, the event included a pizza dinner followed by viewing and analysis of both gay and straight pornography. […]

Lesbian Pedophile Molests 3-Year-Old Girl, Faces Federal Child Porn Charges

Sex offender Angela D. Martin was arrested again last week. FBI press release, Sept. 20: Wallingford Woman Charged with Producing and Distributing Child Pornography Deirdre M. Daly, Acting United States Attorney for the District of Connecticut, and Rhonda M. Glover, Acting Special Agent in Charge of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, today announced that Angela […]

U.S. Judge Richard W. Roberts Expresses Political Sympathy With Gay Terrorist

Floyd Corkins is the lunatic homosexual who, angry at Chick-fil-A and guided by the Southern Poverty Law Center’s “hate map,” sought to commit mass murder at the Family Research Council: Corkins retrieved a firearm from his backpack and pointed it at the security guard. The security guard charged Corkins and a struggle ensued, during which Corkins […]

Dehumanizing Sex

A basic error at the core of the gay-rights crusade in recent years is what I call the Desire Is Destiny Fallacy, wherein all sexual desires are self-legitimizing — a human right — and any opposition to or criticism of anyone’s desire is an infringement of their personal autonomy. We are told that everyone is […]

Did You Know You Can Buy Delicious Barilla Pasta via Our Amazon Links?

OK, tomorrow we must all go to Food Lion and buy Barilla pasta. Every single box they have in the store. — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) September 26, 2013 Barilla Mezze Penne, Barilla Farfalle, Barilla Tri-Color Rotini — yes, Amazon offers a wide variety of delicious Barilla pasta. Honestly, I don’t know why the […]

The Sorelian Myth of Matthew Shepard: Petty Criminals and Liberal Media Bias

Matthew Shepard’s killers Russell Henderson (left) and Aaron McKinney (right). When I was a freshman in college, Truman Capote’s In Cold Blood was an assigned reading and one of the lessons of the book — perhaps not a lesson the author intended, but one I’ve since seen replicated over and over — is how notorious […]

‘The Dissemination of Hate Speech’

Arkansas Tech University Professor Wayne Helmer wrote a letter to Prism, the magazine of the American Society for Engineering Education, criticizing the inclusion of sexual orientation in “diversity” programs, calling homosexuality a “detrimental, negative lifestyle,” and using scripture to invoke the authority of Jesus Christ. All hell broke loose, of course: The letter prompted the association’s president (Kenneth F. […]

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