The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

This Is Not News: Carl Herold and His ‘Domestic Partner’ Charles Dunnavant

Interesting which crimes get overlooked by the national media: Two Alabama men have been charged with imprisoning and filming their sexual abuse of a minor for use in child pornography made with the son of one of the accused. Domestic partners Charles Dunnavant and Carl Herold face a litany of charges ranging from sexual torture […]

Is Phil Robertson Wrong?

"It’s certainly a colorful expression of his personal preference." — @mkhammer, putting it mildly — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) December 19, 2013 You’ll excuse my confusion, but amidst the hyperventilating screeches — GLAAD claiming that Phil Robertson was pushing “vile and extreme stereotypes” — maybe I missed what it was the Duck Dynasty patriarch […]

Homophobia: Pathology or Tautology?

A good friend, who spent many years as an active lesbian, but then met and married a man, becoming a Christian wife and mother, absolutely hates the word “homophobia.” The implied psychiatric diagnosis — that the person so labeled has an irrational fear or hatred of homosexuals — is absurd, and can probably be best […]

A ‘Gay App’ for 12-Year-Olds, and Hey, What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Creeptastic software: Some very clever Harvard types (are there any other kind?) believe that, when it comes to apps, the gay community hasn’t offered the full bloom of its most tasteful side. So they’ve created This, they claim, is “the only gay social app approved by the iTunes store for 12-year-olds and older.” . […]

Why Are Huffington Post’s ‘Gay Voices’ Columnists Fixated on Underage Sex?

A week ago, a Huffington Post columnist argued that it was homophobic to criticize gay men who use Internet sex sites to meet teenage partners. You might shrug that off as an anomaly, if you didn’t realize that in May, Huffington Post was enthusiastically aboard the “Free Kate” bandwagon to legalize sex with 14-year-olds in […]

To the Troll at IP

When news broke Wednesday that Lamar Alexander’s chief of staff had been busted for child pornography, I asked a question: So, Hill staffers who know Ryan Loskarn, if you had to guess, does he like little boys or little girls? — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) December 11, 2013 This was an obvious angle on a […]

Michigan Union: Teachers Still Have a Right to Benefits After Boning Teenagers

(WARNING: This item contains strong language, sexual perversity, an out-of-control labor union and sarcasm.) If the American people can agree on nothing else, can’t we all agree — black or white, male or female, rich or poor, gay or straight — that it’s a very bad thing for teachers to have sex with students? And […]

To Answer Your Question, Seth …

“How Many American Men Are Gay?” At the New York Times? All of them. At Harvard University? All of them. So when I read in the New York Times, “Seth Stephens-Davidowitz is a contributing opinion writer who recently received a Ph.D. in economics at Harvard,” I know where he’s coming from — a world in […]

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