The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Journalist @CalebHannan Exposes Sociopath and Is Accused of Transphobia

On Oct. 18, 2013, MIT-trained aeronautical physicist Dr. Essay Anne Vanderbilt — a former Pentagon contractor who had worked on the Stealth bomber project — committed suicide, which must have been difficult: It’s hard to kill a person you invented. Known as “Dr. V” in the world of golf, the person who died of an […]

Word of the Day: ‘Transmisogyny’

Transgender feminist @papierhache reacted to yesterday’s notice exactly as predicted, by claiming victimhood, denouncing me as a bully “with sycophant minions” (that would be you, dear readers), and generally lecturing that I am the pluperfect example of how “people … use social media to orchestrate abusive behavior.” Remember: @papierhache jumped into my timeline in response to […]

Transgender Feminist @papierhache Volunteers for Twitter Victimhood

When the going gets weird, my Twitter timeline gets interesting. It is perhaps unnecessary to remind readers of these recent items: Jan. 4: Feminists Accused of ‘Transphobia’: Competitive Victimhood Derby Jan. 4: Everybody Hates Cathy Brennan: Troll Under the Bridge on the Crazyville Road Jan. 14: The Rocky Horror Dating Game: Translesbians Encounter Queer Hate […]

The ‘Emerging Awareness’ Continues

Same-sex marriage was illegal in all 50 states as recently as 2003. That was the year in which Justice Anthony Kennedy invoked the “emerging awareness” doctrine in the Supreme Court’s Lawrence v. Texas ruling: In all events we think that our laws and traditions in the past half century are of most relevance here. These […]

The Rocky Horror Dating Game: Translesbians Encounter Queer Hate

Radical egalitarianism is a sort of philosophical insanity, premised as it is on the idea that everything is equal, even things that are fundamentally different. When you begin with an obvious falsehood as the premise of your argument, the conclusion will necessarily be madness. Ten days ago, I brought you up-to-date about an emerging controversy […]

God and Meth at Yale

Yale University English professor Samuel See promoted his services as a gay escort under the pseudonym “Ryan Cochran,” boasting: “I love sex and being with men. . . . I can get into all kinds of sexual and social situations — just name your pleasure. I’m down to earth, humble, personally generous, and horny a […]

Rocky Horror State University

The University of Houston-Downtown has about 14,000 students and, while Wikipedia says UHD students are 39% Hispanic, 29% African American, 20% white, 9% Asian American, the percentage of transgendered students is evidently unknown. Nevertheless, with the encouragement of “the university’s new Center for Student Diversity, Equity and Inclusion,” UHD is now creating “gender-neutral” restrooms to accommodate […]

Feminists Accused of ‘Transphobia’: Competitive Victimhood Derby

“If gender is inherently detrimental as the radical feminists maintain and if trans identification occurs in part because gender is rigidly interpreted and represented through normative modalities of behaving, then there will be unceasing dissonance between these two groups.” — Julian Vigo, “The Left Hand of Darkness” Following up on last night’s post, “Mental Illness […]

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