The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Bisexual ‘Gender-Fluid’ 7th-Grader Leads Pride March in Maryland Capital

  Recent news you might have missed: In steamy, rainy conditions Tuesday afternoon [June 19], a cluster of rainbows made its way through Annapolis. The city’s first official pride celebration — a walk from City Hall to the Loews Annapolis Hotel — started with a seventh-grader. Twelve-year-old Claire Drapeau has been out as bisexual since […]

Media Publishes SJW Lies About Violent Transgender Psycho’s Public Suicide

BEFORE: John Paul Neumann (left); AFTER: ‘Chloe Sagal’ (right). Just a quick follow-up on the suicide of John Paul Neumann, a/k/a “Chloe Sagal,” who lit himself/“herself” on fire Tuesday in a public park in downtown Portland, Oregon. Recall that Neumann/“Sagal,” a freelance videogame developer, had already wrecked his/“her” personal finances by trying to launch a […]

Death by Social Justice: Transgender Scammer ‘Chloe Sagal’ Commits Suicide

BEFORE: John Paul Neumann (left); AFTER: ‘Chloe Sagal’ (right). If you can’t afford mental health treatment and can’t pay your rent, but you can afford tattoos and transgender surgery, you’re not a victim of anything except your own bad judgment. Also, being a liar and a swindler probably won’t make you very popular. Such are […]

Transgender Vagina Envy and the SJW Campaign Against @JesseSingal

  Excuse me for returning immediately to the same topic as the last post, but one of the commenters mentioned that Jezebel had joined in on the Jesse Singal lynch mob and, when I went to follow up on that tip, I discovered this article by John “Harron” Walker: If you must know one thing […]

Transgender Totalitarianism

  Jesse Singal is a journalist whose “progressive” credentials were never questioned until he wrote a cover story in The Atlantic about the growing phenomenon of “gender transition” for children. The article begins by focusing on a girl who “desisted” — Claire, who at age 12 began binge-watching YouTube transition videos, became convinced that she […]

Fat, Gay and Stupid: Update

  Flashback to Dec. 14: Say hello to Albert Maruna, a 22-year-old student at Youngstown State University in Ohio. Albert Maruna is evidently gay, and so stupid he doesn’t know that if you ever encounter a minor on the Internet trying to hook up for sex, it’s actually an undercover cop. Update: An Ohio man […]

A Progression of Madness

‘James’ in 2015 (left) and in 2018, after ‘top surgery’ (right).   “James Waters” is a 22-year-old self-declared Marxist who uses the pronouns “he/xe/it.” She used to have breasts, but had them amputated (double mastectomy, known as “top surgery” in the jargon of the transgender cult) earlier this year, after two years of testosterone treatment. […]

A Narrow Victory for Liberty

  First, the news: The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday handed a victory on narrow grounds to a Colorado Christian baker who refused for religious reasons to make a wedding cake for a gay couple, stopping short of setting a major precedent allowing people to claim exemptions from anti-discrimination laws based on religious beliefs. The […]

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