The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Sex Trouble: Radical Feminism and the Long Shadow of the ‘Lavender Menace’

“The supersensitivity of the [Women’s Liberation] movement to the lesbian issue, and the existence of a few militant lesbians within the movement, once prompted [NOW founder Betty] Friedan herself to grouse about ‘the lavender menace’ that was threatening to warp the image of women’s rights.” — Susan Brownmiller, New York Times, March 15, 1970 (quoted […]

What Is Radical Feminism? ‘Make Deviance the Core of Our Identity’

“Both femininity and masculinity are heteropatriarchal terms that establish the boundaries of what is ‘acceptable,’ ‘permissible’ appearance and behavior for females, Lesbians included. Heteropatriarchal semantics equates femininity with femaleness and masculinity with maleness, as though behaviors and personality traits were determined by biological sex. On the basis of that equation, heteropatriarchy values femininity in females and masculinity in males. […]

‘Internalized Misogyny’

That interesting phrase occurs in a long essay by a woman who “spent three years living as male, a year and a half on testosterone” as part of female-to-male “transgender” therapy before deciding to stop the hormones and “de-transition”: When I was nineteen, I discovered the word “dysphoria” in a trans activist group on campus. […]

Three Scary Words

“Gay Boy Scouts” — a contingent of whom led the New York Gay Pride parade Sunday. Those of us who participated in Scouts in our youth (I made it to Star Scout and my older brother made Life Scout) have no trouble explaining our common sense objections to “equality” in this context, but if radical […]

Gender Theory Madness: Gay Man Gets ‘Doxed’ Because of His ‘Transphobia’

In case you missed my posts over the weekend — “Tranarchy: Gender Theory = Insanity” and “Inmates Run the Facebook Asylum” — the long-running online war between transgender activists and radical lesbian feminists has been heating up lately. The two sides of the battle front are essentially this: Transactivists say it is “hate” to criticize […]

Demi Lovato Keeps Dropping Hints

Either this is a coy, slow-motion “coming out,” or else it’s a clever marketing strategy to attract a niche audience, but maybe it’s both. Whatever it is, 21-year-old former Disney starlet Demi Lovato earlier this month performed for “my #LGBT brothers and sisters” at the Los Angeles Gay Pride parade and — although she has […]

Lesbian Celebrated #LGBTPride Month by Murdering Her Wife, Police Say

Police say Tiffany Nowden-Vale (left) murdered Russina Vale (right). There are hate crimes and then there are love crimes, I guess: SAN DIEGO, Calif. — The former Colorado woman wanted in the death of her wife in California has pleaded not guilty to a murder charge. Tiffany Nowden was arrested in California Tuesday. She had […]

Inmates Run the Facebook Asylum

Gabriel/”Brielle” Harrison (@nyteshade) is a “Sci-Fi/Fantasy lover,” IYKWIMAITYD. Gender Identity Watch explains more: He is also a Facebook engineer who implemented the multiple gender options on Facebook. He has made public statements that he censored Gender Identity Watch. Harrison does not apply Facebook’s Community Standards; rather, he engages in censorship of political speech by Women, […]

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