The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘No Christians Allowed!’ University Fires Catholic Chaplain for … Catholicism?

You can be a Christian, as long as you don’t condemn sin: A university in Glasgow has fired a Catholic chaplain for holding a prayer service at his parish “in reparation” for the city’s gay pride parade. According to Crux, “Father Mark Morris, the pastor of Immaculate Heart of Mary parish in Glasgow, on Monday […]

These People Are Crazy

  It is not necessary to wonder if transgender people are mentally ill. We have scientific research as proof they’re mentally ill: Background: Co-morbid psychiatric disorders affect prognosis, psychosocial adjustment and post-surgery satisfaction in patients with gender identity disorder. In this paper, we assessed the frequency of personality disorders in Iranian GID patients. Methods: Seventy- […]

Sex Offender Goes Transgender, Moves in With Family, Rapes 15-Year-Old Girl

Montana sex offender Albert ‘Aliea’ Brown. In November, 28-year-old “Aliea” Brown was sentenced to 10 years in prison after pleading guilty to felony rape of a 15-year-old girl. It was not the first time Brown had been charged with such a crime. In 2005, when Albert Brown was 16, he was convicted as a juvenile […]

The Butler Did It: ‘Gender Trouble’ and the Academic Roots of the #Transcult

  When I began researching feminism in 2014, one of the first controversies that came to my attention was the conflict between radical feminists and transgender activists. Initially, my impulse was to point and laugh at what I called the Competitive Victimhood Derby, but after further investigation, it became apparent to me that the radical […]

Loony Troons: Fantasy, Mental Illness and the Transgender Victimhood Narrative

  Avery Edison “has legally been a woman since 2009” and, in addition to calling himself a woman, Avery also pretends to be a “comedian.” Here’s the real question: Why should we be required to play along with Avery’s make-believe games, either as a “comedian” or as a “woman”? Nobody can force you to go […]

Steven Crowder Confronts Transgender ‘Antifa’ Radical in Austin, Texas: VIDEO

Celine Camille Zinante has apparently undergone sex-change treatment to become “Cameron” Zinante and may be associated with a Communist “antifa” group called the Revolutionary Student Front. Zinante was working at a Juiceland franchise in Austin and, also, threatening violence against popular conservative personality Steven Crowder. This inspired Crowder to take a trip to Austin for […]

More From the Hollywood Rape Machine

  In December, I wrote about some of the revelations of Hollywood sex scandals from the blog “Crazy Days and Nights” (CDAN) which has an uncanny record of accuracy with its “blind items.” Thursday, the blog revealed the names on several of its earlier blind items from which we learn that, for example, oil tycoon […]

The Canadian Menace: Facebook Censors Critics of CBC’s Homosexual Propaganda

  Jessi Cruickshank is a personality on the Canadian government’s official propaganda channel, the CBC, which promotes homosexuality. On June 1, Ms. Cruickshank hosted a number of young children on her CBC program, encouraging them to celebrate homosexuality. Robert Gagnon of the Federalist describes this bizarre Canadian propaganda: Jessi Cruikshank sits at a table with […]

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