The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Christians Branded ‘Hate Group’ for Opposing LGBT Agenda in Schools

Friday was the national “Day of Silence” promoted by GLSEN, the radical homosexual teachers organization founded in 1990 to promote the gay agenda in public schools. GLSEN has been controversial because the group’s director, Kevin Jennings, was implicated in the infamous 2000 “Fistgate” incident in Massachusetts. Yet it is now opposition to GLSEN that is […]

Transgender Sex Offenders: Feminists Advocate ‘Allison’s Law’ to Protect Public

Allison Woolbert was one of the most militant transgender activists on the Internet. Woolbert was executive director of “Transgender Human Rights Institute” (THRI), a founder of the “Transgender Violence Tracking Portal” (TVTP) and the website “TERF Tracker.” The acronym “TERF” (Trans Exclusive Radical Feminist) is a slur invented by transgender activists to demonize radical feminists […]

Canadian ‘Education Expert’ Is What You’d Expect Canadian ‘Education Expert’ to Be

That is to say, he’s a dangerous pervert: Benjamin Levin was consistent and “realistic” in his descriptions of sexual assault of children during online chats and never once stressed that it was all for fantasy, the Crown argued during day two of his sentencing hearing on child porn charges. Crown counsel Allison Dellandrea read aloud […]

‘Serious Work’

In May 1862, Gen. Richard Taylor’s brigade of Louisiana troops was assigned to the command of Gen. Stonewall Jackson, whose taciturn nature and Calvinist theology were closely related phenomena. Taylor’s brigade made a long and rapid march to join Jackson in the Shenandoah Valley, covering 26 miles on the day they reached their camp near […]

News Flash: Liberals Hate Christianity

“And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God. For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.” — I Corinthians 2:1-2 (KJV) Jesse Lee Peterson’s WorldNetDaily column: LGBT groups have been effective […]

TV Reporter’s Cheap ‘Gotcha’ Story Incites Hate Mob Against Indiana Pizza Shop

“RFRA: Michiana business wouldn’t cater a gay wedding.” “Restaurant denies some services to same-sex couples.” That’s how Alyssa Marino “reported” a story Tuesday on ABC affiliate WBND-TV in South Bend, Indiana, with the result that a firestorm of hatred came raining down on a pizza shop: There were no complaints nor denials of service to […]

The Tyranny of ‘Equality’

When people claim to be oppressed and demand equality, what happens after they get it? Tim Carney explains the post-Windsor world: On one side is the CEO of the world’s largest company, the president of the United States and a growing chunk of the Fortune 500. On the other side is a solo wedding photographer […]

Study: Lesbians in U.S. Earn 20% More Than Heterosexual Women

CNN has been giving hourly updates to hype claims that a religious freedom law in Indiana could unleash hateful discrimination against gay people. This appears to be a media-driven hysteria. Nineteen other states have laws similar to Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which is modeled after a federal law Bill Clinton signed. Yet the question […]

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