The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

A Prelude to Social Destruction

“Politics is downstream from culture,” Andrew Breitbart often said. This was why I spent Thursday writing 4,000 words — “Let’s Bring Back Guilt and Shame” — in preparation for the Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage which, as anyone who had been paying attention could have predicted, was a 5-4 decision with Justice Kennedy as […]

Let’s Bring Back Guilt and Shame

“I was twelve when I discovered porn.” So begins “How I Came Out: Part 2 – My Bisexual Awakening” by Kaitlyn, a 22-year-old graduate of Pacific Lutheran University. Please stop laughing long enough to think about this. Remember when “coming out” meant someone was actually, y’know, gay? What’s the point of “coming out” as bisexual? If […]

War on Human Nature: The Celebrity Fantasy Dress-Up With ‘Caitlyn’ Game

We now live in a world in which we are required to believe lies, where telling the truth is condemned as “hate,” and where strangers feel qualified to diagnose you as suffering from an irrational “phobia” if you refuse to cooperate with their political agenda. As I remarked a couple of months ago, “Until I […]

N.C. Schools Employ Radical Lesbian Who Called Marriage ‘Slavery’ for Women

By Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain on Twitter) A pioneering lesbian activist who called heterosexuality “the ideology of male supremacy” and condemned marriage as “slavery” for women is now working as a math teacher in North Carolina.   As a graduate student in 1969, Margaret Small helped begin what became the Women’s Studies program at the […]

Lesbian Harassment in College? Lawsuit Alleges ‘Sexually Charged’ Hazing

Earlier this month, St. Joseph’s University announced it had suspended its women’s softball program after “a parent and student came forward in late March, alleging freshman had been forced to drink alcohol and engage in sexual conduct when they joined the team in the fall.” Four players were suspended in April after reports of what […]

Political Consultant for S.F. Democrat Mayor Likes Little Boys, Allegedly

Enrique Pearce’s consulting firm, Left Coast Communications, was working for San Francisco Democrat Mayor Ed Lee’s re-election campaign, until he was arrested last week on child pornography charges. Peace had previously run a Super PAC supporting Mayor Lee, and had also worked for San Francisco politicians Matt Gonzalez and Jane Kim, both affiliated with the […]

This Is What a Feminist Looks Like

WNBA star Glory Johnson (@MISSVOL25) and her fianceé @BrittneyGriner My apologies. I meant, this is what two feminists look like: WNBA superstar Brittney Griner — and her WNBA star fiancee Glory Johnson — were both arrested for allegedly attacking each other in Phoenix yesterday … TMZ Sports has learned. Law enforcement sources tell us cops were […]

#MichFest: Trannies Win, Lesbians Lose

Lesbians mourned Wednesday when it was announced they had lost what was, to them, an important tradition: The 40th Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival, to be held this August, will be the last, its founder announced today. The storied women-only event, first held in 1976, has been the subject of controversy in recent years because of […]

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