The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Privilege of the Oppressed

A court clerk in Kentucky want to jail because she would not issue a marriage license to a same-sex couple. Keep in mind that, in 2004, an amendment to the Kentucky state constitution defining marriage as one man and one woman was approved by 75% of the voters. To this fact, our nation’s liberal elite […]

Feds Raid ‘Rentboy’ Site

While the hack of the adultery site AshleyMadison-dot-com was making headlines, the FBI was investigating a male escort site: A criminal complaint was unsealed today in federal court in Brooklyn charging the CEO of, Jeffrey Hurant, and six employees with conspiring to violate the Travel Act by promoting prostitution. . . . As […]

Solomonic Wisdom Needed

Suppose you were a judge, and you were faced with the decision of who should have custody of a 17-year-old girl: A 25-year-old junkie; or A 53-year-old lesbian? This is not a hypothetical scenario: The man who allegedly housed Rosie O’Donnell’s 17-year-old daughter Chelsea for a week while she was missing from home has been […]

Radical Feminism and the ‘Equality’ Trap

  Radical lesbian activist @EllenPage decided that @TedCruz needed a lecture from her about equality and discrimination: DES MOINES — Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and actress Ellen Page, of “Juno” fame, got into a testy and free-wheeling discussion Friday over gay rights here at the Iowa State Fair. “I’m happy to answer your question but […]

Conference Teaches Iowa Kids About Diversity, Tolerance and Butt Sex

@IowaSafeSchools promotes Democrat Party values for the children. A controversy in Iowa highlights a common tactic of the Gay Left: Engage in outrageous behavior and, when this predictably provokes opposition, claim that the critics are paranoid bigots whose outrage is an expression of irrational prejudice. Thus, criticism of gay activism proves the need for more […]

Lesbian Divorce Gets Nasty

WNBA star Glory Johnson (@MISSVOL25) and her ex-wife @BrittneyGriner One positive thing about legalizing gay marriage is that it gives the rest of us the opportunity laugh about gay celebrity divorces: Brittney Griner shockingly filed to annul her marriage with Glory Johnson just 28 days after the same-sex couple wed and one day after Johnson […]

Is Roy Moore Wrong? And If So, Why?

The Left is having a tantrum over remarks that Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore made at a Baptist church Sunday: Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore told a church crowd on Sunday that the U.S. Supreme Court “destroyed the institution of God” by legalizing same-sex marriage. Moore, who made national news when […]

Toward the Feminist Dystopia

  @JanetheActuary is an outside-the-box thinker you should follow on Twitter, and her musing today on Patheos deserves notice: The increasing unmarriagableness of men is often identified as the reason why the rates of unwed motherhood have climbed so much . . . Women report thinking of the father of their child as “just a […]

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