The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Blame-Shifters: Democrats Use #Orlando to Scapegoat Christians, GOP, NRA

  There is no limit to the Left’s shameful dishonesty: Christian conservatives are responsible for the mass shooting at a gay bar in Orlando because they “created this anti-queer climate,” according to American Civil Liberties Union attorneys. “You know what is gross — your thoughts and prayers and Islamophobia after you created this anti-queer climate,” […]

Was James Wesley Howell Planning a Terrorist Attack on L.A. Gay Pride Parade?

  In the aftermath of the massacre in Orlando, there has been widespread interest in an arrest today in Santa Monica, California: An Indiana man armed with assault rifles and explosive chemicals told authorities in Southern California he wanted to harm a gay pride event in the area, police confirmed Sunday. James Wesley Howell, 20, […]

Omar Mateen: Muslim Commits Murder Rampage at Orlando Gay Nightclub

  This morning, the TV was on the local NBC affiliate — my wife is having a yard sale and wanted to check the weather — and the report was that about 20 people had been killed when a man armed with an assault rifle attacked a gay nightclub in Orlando. However, NBC said nothing […]

Lesbian Couple Convicted of Murder in Torture Death of Two-Year-Old Boy

  Last month we reported on the Liam Fee case in Scotland, where a lesbian couple were charged with murdering a 2-year-old boy that one of the women had from a previous relationship with a man, and then trying to blame the toddler’s death on another boy the couple allegedly had abused. The case involves […]

Gay Australian Rugby Player Arrested by FBI, Sought Sex With 6-Year-Old Boy

  The Bingham Cup is a tournament held every two years since 2002 by the International Gay Rugby Association and Board (IGRAB), and today marks the opening ceremonies of this year’s tournament in Nashville. Alas, one Australian player will have to miss the ceremonies: Michael Quinn, an avid rugby union player from Melbourne, embarked on […]

‘Entangled in the Homosexual Web’

“Homosexuality destroys a woman’s personal integrity. Little by little, she becomes more deeply entangled in the homosexual web. . . . She finds it easier to submit to homosexuality than to fight against it. . . . “She slowly deteriorates in character, losing her power of will, and her integrity. Thus the deterioration and destruction […]

Australian Gay-Marriage Crusader Was Fugitive Wanted on Kiddie Porn Charge

The fugitive Matthew Hynd with his lover Ali Choudhry in 2013. Matthew Hynd, who made headlines in Australia as a supporter of gay marriage, was a fugitive from justice, wanted in the United States on child pornography charges. Hynd was sentenced to more than six years in federal prison earlier this month, after having been […]

Prosecutors in Scotland Say Lesbian Couple Murdered Two-Year-Old Boy

Rachel Trelfa, left, and her lesbian partner Nyomi Fee. In a trial making headlines all over Britain, a lesbian couple are charged with murdering a 2-year-old boy that one of the women had from a previous relationship with a man, and then trying to blame the toddler’s death on another boy the couple allegedly had […]

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