The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Iran Executes Gay Teenager

Religion of Peace™ update: Iran’s regime executed a gay adolescent in July — the first confirmed execution of someone convicted as a juvenile in the Islamic Republic in 2016 — Amnesty International reported this week. Hassan Afshar, 19, was hanged in Arak Prison in Iran’s Markazi Province on July 18, after he was convicted of […]

Lesbian Divorce: Comedy or Tragedy?

For a month in early 2004, the city of San Francisco rushed ahead of state and national law and began performing same-sex weddings. By the time a court injunction stopped the ceremonies, some 4,000 couples had been married, although the legal status of their unions hung in limbo for many years thereafter. In 2008, California […]

A Simple Question: Is This True?

“Patriarchy — an enforced belief in male dominance and control — is the ideology and sexism the system that holds it in place. . . . “Homophobia works effectively as a weapon of sexism because it is joined with a powerful arm, heterosexism. Heterosexism creates the climate for homophobia with its assumption that the world […]

The @Nero Solution (and an Unfortunate Update on the #FreeKate Fallout)

  Milo Yiannopoulos has solved the “harassment” problem: The fact is, women are more easily rattled by nastiness than men. That’s a stereotype, but it’s also true — in the landmark Pew study on online harassment, women were more than twice as likely as men to say they were “very upset” by online harassment. That’s why, despite […]

Wicked Witches: Marion Zimmer Bradley and the Feminist Pagan Sex Cult

Marion Zimmer Bradley was famous for her Avalon novel series. “Wicca refers to the practice of European paganism popular throughout Europe and North America. . . . Dianic Wicca refers to a more radical women-only practice, named for the Goddess Diana. The novels of Marion Zimmer Bradley have been influential for Dianic Wiccans . . […]

Because @EllenPage Is Canadian, She Hates America and Wants Us All to Die

“Extremely anti-gay, anti-bi, anti-trans rhetoric . . . is constantly creating a poisonous environment which leads to people hating themselves, people being violent towards one and other, to bullying, to abuse and it really needs to stop.” — Ellen Page, June 15, 2016 There is a certain “Reichstag fire” element in the reaction by Democrats and […]

Shocking News: @MaraWritesStuff Announces She Is Not Heterosexual

  The name Mara Wilson probably means nothing to you, and I’d never heard of her until today when I saw this headline: Mara Wilson is Queer: Actress Felt Moved To Say She’s One Of Us Considering that this headline is from the lesbian feminist site Autostraddle, you might think “one of us” is a […]

Shorter @AmandaMarcotte: ‘Masculinity Killed Those Gay People in Orlando’

“The horror story of Orlando lays bare what damage that this kind of dominance-oriented masculinity does to our society . . . It’s a stark reminder of why we, as a country, need to get past the politics of tough guy posturing and move towards a more thoughtful, inclusive society.” — Amanda Marcotte, June 13, […]

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