The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Gender-Neutral Parenting’ and the Problem of Unintended Consequences

Megan Fox and her ‘gender-neutral’ sons. The actress Megan Fox and her husband, Brian Austin Green, have three sons, but things are a little weird at the Green-Fox household: Growing up in the South, Fox was labeled a tomboy. When her peers were playing dolls, she was playing outside, climbing trees and getting dirty. Being […]

The Rocky Horror Middle School Show

  The town of Achille, Oklahoma, has a population of less than 500. For unknown reasons, a woman who is raising her son to believe he’s a girl decided that this tiny community in rural Bryan County was where they needed to live. Problems inevitably ensued: Several law enforcement agencies have stepped in after parents […]

The Rocky Horror Democrat Party Show

  Vermont Democrats nominate a transgender socialist for governor: Christine Hallquist, who is running as a progressive Democrat in Vermont, made history on Tuesday as she became the first transgender gubernatorial candidate nominated by a major political party. Advancing a progressive platform focused on economic and social justice, including a $15 minimum wage, environmentally sustainable […]

Ruby Rose: Not Lesbian Enough for SJWs

  In case you don’t know, The CW is a cable network, jointly owned by CBS and Warner Brothers, that has a demonstrable pattern of putting homosexual characters into all its shows. Like, there was a lesbian character named Lexa on The CW’s show The 100 who had a romance with another of the female […]

Democrats Nominate Pro-Abortion Lesbian Feminist for Congress in Texas

  Yesterday, I explained that Democrats have nominated an anti-white hate-monger to challenge Republican Pete Sessions in Texas’s 32nd Congressional District. Today, I’m highlighting another extremist Democrat in Texas, Gina Ortiz Jones, who finished first in a five-way primary, with 42% of the vote and then defeated Rick Trevino in the May runoff, to challenge […]

‘Gender Equality’ Achieved in Canada

  Saye Skye is a transgender (female-to-male) rapper in Toronto, where the gender equality has “empowered” her to be treated exactly like a man: A quiet afternoon stroll in a west-end park earlier this month turned violent for a Toronto rapper, who says he was attacked by two men and a woman for being transgender. […]

Death by ‘Gender’

  Katyana Elasia Haught was a young woman from Livermore, California, who in January 2017 began injecting testosterone. Eight months later, after changing her name to “Daine Faolan Grey,” she “came out” as a “gay” transgender male — in other words, a woman who wants to “transition” in order to have sex with gay men. […]

Radical Feminist Exposes #TransCult

It is difficult to exaggerate how radical Natasha Chart’s feminism is. She is chairwoman of the board of Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF), an organization that originated in Deep Green Resistance, which is just about as far left as you can go (without moving to Pyongyang). It is therefore highly significant that Chart has joined the […]

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