The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Real Gay People Don’t Vote Republican?

Almost 15 years ago, after reporting on some dubious “research” funded by the federal government, I started getting tips from a longtime gay activist in San Francisco who was enraged by what was being done with federal AIDS prevention money. Michael Petrelis is radical, not liberal, and he despises the sold-out corrupt Democrat Party-controlled Official […]

Doctor Kook and the Mysterious Case of the Bill-Paying Sperm Donor

Suppose you were a very intelligent young man from Massachusetts. You are not only smart, but tall and handsome. You go to college, then go to law school, hire on with a good firm, you’re making good money and then you meet a woman. She’s from the Midwest and attended a good state university where […]

Radical Feminist @MeghanEMurphy Confronts the Transgender Menace

  Having often mocked the notorious Canadian man-hater Meghan Murphy, I am rather amused that she has (belatedly) realized that facts and logic might be rather important, even for Canadian feminists: On [Oct. 19], the [Canadian] House of Commons voted by a margin of 248 to 40 to pass Bill C-16 at second reading. If […]

The Really Important Headlines

Randi Zurenko is charged with having sex with two girls. Teacher hit with 200 charges in teen lesbian sex scandal: Cops — Oct. 21 Nia Davies was charged with having sex with a girl. Lesbian teacher who had 10-month affair with teen pupil faces being struck off — Oct. 12 Kimberly Naquin was charged with having sex […]

Queer Feminism at Marquette University

“To me as a queer activist and young scholar in the early 1990s, the term queer seemed to capture it all — the political urgency of combating heterosexism, my feeling and knowledge that the binaries of gender and sexual orientation were created through forced conformity and repression, the indeterminateness of my own experiences of gender […]

Welcome to 2016: ‘When the Insane Are Normal, the Normal Are Insane’

  In case you haven’t noticed, the world has gone crazy. We now live in some kind of alternative universe dreamed up by a science-fiction writer, and it’s comforting to know we’re not alone in feeling this way: Studies have produced little evidence that “gender reassignment” surgery yields mental health benefits for those who receive […]

Wisconsin’s ‘Sodomite Whorehouse’

  The University of Wisconsin opened the football season with a victory over LSU, and the Badgers were 4-0 going into their Oct. 1 game against Michigan, which they lost 14-7, and last week Wisconsin got beat 30-23 by Ohio State. Why are the Badgers losing? Because they don’t love Jesus! “[Westboro Baptist Church] will […]

Which Is Worse: AIDS or ‘Stigma’?

  Remember the herpes-infected feminists who used the #ShoutYourStatus hashtag to encourage pride in having sexually transmitted diseases? That came to mind when I encountered a chart of AIDS-related terms — promoted by the University of California-San Francisco — comparing “stigmatizing” language (left) versus “empowering” language (right):   You see we must avoid “blame-centric language” […]

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