The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Study: We Don’t Hate Bisexuals Enough

  “Never Trust a Bisexual,” as I have previously warned, and this is an important warning because bisexuality has been increasing in recent years among young people. You can blame the Obama administration’s policies or the plague of Third-Wave feminism on college campuses, but whatever the cause of this phenomenon, the danger is real, and […]

#LashEquality: @CoverGirl Promotes Transgender Agenda in Commercials

  Analysts seeking to understand why 62 million Americans voted to elect Donald Trump president might consider how Third Wave feminism — “gender theory” and all that — has alienated every Christian parent in the country (to say nothing of many radical feminists who oppose it). Postmodern academic theory about the social construction of the gender […]

Guess What Swarthmore College Will Teach Your Children for $63,550 a Year?

Tuition at Swarthmore College is $49,104, room and board is $14,446, and what does this elite private school teach its students? Queering God: Feminist and Queer Theology The God of the Bible and later Jewish and Christian literature is distinctively masculine, definitely male. Or is He? If we can point out places in traditional writings […]

Some Stereotypes Are True

One of the favorite pastimes of liberals is lecturing the rest of us about how ignorant we are. Every common-sense belief about human nature is a “myth,” liberals say, and any generalization about various human traits and patterns of behaviors is a prejudicial “stereotype.” These accusations of ignorance and prejudice are, in fact, a form […]

Gay Marxists Hate Donald Trump

      Who hates Donald Trump? Communist homosexuals, that’s who! Two separate Marxist groups — the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) and the Workers World Party (WWP, a/k/a ANSWER Coalition) — have been prominent in anti-Trump protests since the election. “Don’t collaborate” with the president-elect, RCP tells Americans. The RCP is a Maoist cult led […]

Police Took Professor @KevinAllred to Psychiatric Ward After Twitter Rant

Police took Kevin Allred to Bellevue Hospital for a psychiatric evaluation Tuesday night after the Rutgers University instructor ranted on Twitter about shooting “random white people.” Allred, who teaches Women’s and Gender Studies at Rutgers, was released after his evaluation, which was prompted when a student expressed concern to university officials, a Rutgers spokesman told […]

However, If It’s True . . .

The editors of the gay publication The Advocate think it’s controversial that Steve Bannon described feminists accurately: Donald Trump’s campaign manager, Stephen Bannon, reportedly referred to students at the Seven Sisters colleges as “dykes” during a 2011 interview. . . . Bannon . . . told Political Vindication Radio that women like Sarah Palin, Ann […]

Thanks to @laurenstrapa, Canadians Are Now Dwindling Toward Extinction

  Lauren Strapagiel is a fat Canadian lesbian with a pierced nose and tattoos. This 27-year-old cliché of a Third-Wave feminist is social news editor for BuzzFeed Canada. If there are still any heterosexuals left in Toronto, Ms. Strapagiel is there to scornfully insult them, in keeping with BuzzFeed’s unofficial policy of ensuring that their site is only read […]

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