The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Berkeley Murder Suspect Pablo Gomez Harassed College Republicans Last Year

  Yesterday we reported about Pablo Gomez Jr., the radical activist at the University of California-Berkeley accused of murdering one woman and seriously stabbing another. The College Fix has video that shows Gomez harassing College Republicans at a campus event last September: A Chicanx/Latinx Studies major, Gomez is involved with Berkeley’s Queer Alliance Resource Center […]

Tranny ‘Feminist’ @RileyJayDennis Is Here to Educate You About Science

  Justin Dennis, a/k/a Riley J. Dennis, is a transgender activist who describes himself/“herself” as an “intersectional feminist” who is “also super queer (transfeminine lesbian to be specific).” Justin/Riley become notorious in November after he/“she” declared it is “discriminatory” for anyone not to want to date him/“her.” Being normal is now a hate crime, according to the […]

Did Queer Feminist @TheHeatherHogan Just Compare Lesbians to the ‘Alt-Right’?

  Heather Hogan is a senior editor at Autostraddle, a lesbian feminist blog that publishes anti-male/anti-heterosexual hate propaganda from such writers as Carmen Rios, while also offering helpful advice about dildos and celebrating “International Fisting Day.” Anyway . . . For the past few years, there has been an ongoing battle within the online LGBT […]

Queer Feminism vs. ‘The Fragile Male Ego’

Allison Moon wants to talk to your daughter about dildo sex. “I’m standing with Planned Parenthood because teenage horniness is a force of nature. . . . There’s nothing that will convince teens ready to have sex not to have sex. . . . Planned Parenthood . . . provides comprehensive sexual health information.” — […]

Having a Merry Trump Christmas, Because @Jillboard Hates Jesus

Jillian Gutowitz, trying unsuccessfully to become popular on YouTube, July 2013.’ Jill Gutowitz (@Jillboard on Twitter) is a lesbian feminist Democrat from New Jersey who lives in Los Angeles, where she spent Election Night at a gay bar watching her entire world come crashing down in flames: We thought we’d be able to ring in […]

The Internet Is Making You Gay

  OK, maybe the headline slightly overstates the case — I’ve been on the Internet more than 20 years and am still staunchly heterosexual — but some young people are clearly being influenced in the wrong direction. Having previously reported on “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria,” yesterday I took a long look at the YouTube “coming […]

Tranny ‘Feminist’ Declares You Are ‘Discriminatory’ Not to Date Him/‘Her’

Left: Justin Dennis in 2012. Right: Riley J. Dennis in 2015. “Would you date a trans person? Honestly? . . . Well, if you said ‘no,’ I’m sorry, but that’s pretty discriminatory.” — Riley J. Dennis, November 2016 Justin Dennis, a/k/a Riley J. Dennis, is a transgender activist who describes himself/“herself” as an “intersectional feminist” […]

‘This Is Why We Need Feminism’: @RoseMcShane Loves Male Tears

“To destroy systems of injustice. So the most marginalized among us have their voices heard. For the people we love to be able to take up space. To end violence against women — down to the last microaggression. To celebrate difference. For every woman, everyone who experiences intersections of oppression, to be liberated. This is […]

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